Take a look at any or all of these YouTube videos that relate to our class novel. Your comments can be your reflections on the video clips and/or your reactions to what other people have published. The video clips are short, but you may want the clips to run through with the buffering that takes place the first time, and after that, you can watch them play smoothly. The title or a short description is under each video clip. The comments link appears after the 7th video ('Lil' Prinz'). Remember to include your name that we know so that we can refer to each other's comments.
1. Title - "'The Little Prince' and the Complex Semiotic Aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day Communication'"
2. A scene from the musical version of 'The Little Prince'
3. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox and stars
4. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox
5. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the snake
6. A scene from the movie, 'The James Dean Story' (James Dean was a famous Hollywood star of the 1950's - he is portrayed by another actor in this movie.)
7. A student video titled, 'Lil' Prinz' - thanks to Mr. Berkhout for recommending this one!
Geegee said...
I thought that the hidden meaning in the first video might be to see the value in what you have and spend as much time with it because it’s ephemeral. When the little prince found the computer with meaningless symbols on them, he made it seem unique to him by thinking from another perspective that it was a pretty flower. He had made something that would be meaningless to people seem as if it was unique, and he valued it. So, people should follow the prince’s example and try to see the value in what you have because you’ll be a much happier person. If you don’t see the value of things, you’ll always be unhappy because there won’t be anything that you value to make you happy. Unfortunately, tlp's flower didn’t last forever, so when you find something that you value, you should spend as much time with it, since nothing lasts forever. You’ll regret it if you don't spend time with the things you value because you never know when they're going to be gone.
I found the first video (entitled “‘The Little Prince’ and the Complex Semiotic Aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day Communication”) to be quite interesting. The most obvious thing is the name, which roughly translates to “The Little Prince and the Complicated Symbols of Sign Language Today”. And perhaps the most symbolic, and “complex”, element of this short clip was the rose. I liked how the rose appeared on a computer as this set of characters:
—a modern touch (computers were not common during the author’s time). However, as the music built up, the computer received an error and the flower was lost. This obviously symbolizes the flower’s ephemeral state; basically, the flower can and will die. It may also be a humorous aspect of the video, as older computers were riddled with unexpected bugs and errors that caused the computer to crash and lose all data. Regardless, the prized rose of the little prince is an important part of the novel, as the little prince does spend a lot of time worrying about his flower, and if she is okay. The fact that the entire video contains no words, yet expresses more than words ever can, is quite intriguing. There are thousands of elements that the rose and the computer crash may represent, and as such, this video is indeed “‘The Little Prince’ and the Complex Semiotic Aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day Communication”.
Geegee's interpretation is very sound. In the book it says that you must see with your heart, not your eyes, and what makes something's beauty is invisible. This means that some of the things that we value are just symbols that represent something else. WE VALUE SYMBOLS FOR WHAT THEY REPRESENT. This takes us back to our unit on consumer economics. Our values are symbols that compose our identity.
While watching the seventh youtube clip, Lil' Prinz, I continued to think how smart it was for the three boys to change the little prince into a more modern story, and help show how this book relates to them and other teens alike. I also liked how they summarized most of the book in a matter of 6 minutes, with detail, and such individuality. I find it is amazing that this book was published so long ago (1943) and still interests todays youth.
I enjoyed video four about the fox, I also enjoyed it in the book. I knew that the prince will see the importance in his flower one day. The lustrous reveal of the importance of the Little Prince's flower was an essential part of the book in my opinion. It has taught a lesson, just like a parable, it has taught the reader of the book or the viewer the movie that what ever you waste time on, or decide to cherise is important to you. An example would be the reason parents have unconditional love for you, they waste their time on you, they brought you up. The reason they love you is because the waste their time on you, just like the Little Prince and the rose.
I was amused to see such well made clips and I wanted to thank Mr. Kenney and Mr. Berkhout for posting clips for us. I especially liked the 4th clip because it had a vital moral that I think everyone should know: the true beauties and values are invisible to the eyes, but visible to the hearts. I was glad to see the Little Prince realizing that since he ‘tamed’ his rose, the rose was unique to him. In addition, it was very interesting when the pilot read the fox’s secret because it seemed that he got shocked and I found him dumbfounded. I knew at once that he felt ashamed for not knowing the moral, and on the other hand, he felt proud and respectful towards the Little Prince and the fox of being very pure and already knowing the moral.
The rapping version of The Little Prince was interesting. It contained the main point and the theme of The LIttle Prince book. Also, it was in rapping style and a little bit of action and humors inside that attract my attention. The one about the computer one was also interesting. It had a computer and on the screen it had
-}-@ which is like a rose. I really enjoyed watching these videos.
This was very different with other videos. other videos feel little serious, but rap little prince was saying lots of teenager words and some badwords..... it kind of made me feel funny? not serious...so I think this is very interesting.
I think the the person who made the first video, wanted to relate to the current life's of people to the tlp's. Because modern days people use symbols to represent/replace words to tell what they are saying. For example (^_^) would be a symbol that people use nowadays to represent that they are happy. So I liked how the director used symbols to represent the tlp's flower.
I think the rap video has it's own unique idea of showing the tlp's journey around the planets. If the rap video had subtitles it would be better because you can understand word by word what they are saying. I think they rapped the basic ideas presented in tlp. I think they did a pretty good job presenting tlp's journey around the planets, meeting different people.
Before I watched I thought it was great to see the movie clips that have good and deep connections to the TLP. In the first clip I thought it was a great idea to represent the rose that the little prince was treasure, into one of the code. I understood it was the rose soon when I first saw because it was intelligible. In the 5th movie clip that was the scene from the movie, ‘The Little Prince’ and the snake, I felt the little prince was very little like children. In the book of TLP I think the little prince is older than the little prince in the 5th video clip. The thing that wants to tell us about this video was very easy to recognize for me than the book because I felt the little prince was very young and he was talking like a child with real snake acting at the real desert. After I saw these movies I finally get the metaphor of TLP. I think the metaphor of this story is a child that view from the pilot (the author of this story)!
I found the rap song video quite interesting. But I felt disappoint in some part of this video. Comparing to The Little Prince‘s book, the part when the rose and the little prince talk didn’t match. The rose didn’t try to convince the little prince to change his mind of leaving the planet. In the other way, the rose didn’t even gave little prince a chance to change his mind. The rose says that she will be fine without him to take care of her. Also, in the book the little prince didn’t want to leave, but from what the rose have done (lie) make him lost trust of her and he felt lonely and unhappy that he decided to leave. But this video make the LP say some bad word, and this really make me disappointed the most, “ Baby don’t lie, you will be spending in trash.” Is this scene supposed to be a sad scene? And so he did really want to leave? Does LP really love the rose?
Also when he meets the king, the little prince supposes to obey him and the king suppose to order easy command. I think that the rapping song make LP become a teenager, ruder, and he doesn’t feel innocent or childish at all.
When LP was on earth, he supposes to meet the fox before he did meet the snake. The scene when the little prince meets the fox was the most important part of the story for LP journey. The point of LP to meet the fox is to know what is “tame” and to realize the he is responsible for what he have tamed. Also to know the fox secret about love, “you can only see things clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes.” The fox make the LP realize that although his rose wasn’t the only species, but she was the one he have tamed, make she become special to him. The video have missed that point.
Overall, this video is amazing; it was straightforward only including the main idea. I like the part when LP meets the lamplighter, the song state for us that “the man doesn’t think for himself. He always turns the light for somebody else.” In the book, it only said that the lamplighter do what he had order, which the song help analyze his characteristic out. And the actor did a great job in making a song. I like the part when the song said “LP is searching for love” it help to tie the story up (LP and rose, the fox about taming)
The little prince videos were all very well made. They all did an extraordinary job applying he morals of the story to our lives today. The first one made a emoticon rose which was very creative and the rap video was also interesting although it had some bad words in it :P
I thought the last video clip was different from other videos because only this video has no meanings. Well, some people might say there are deep meanings for this video. However I really tihnk they are just telling the plot of the TLP in rap style.
I find the second video when the little prince was carried by white birds most interesting, it seems wonderful and pleasant. Also the stuff that was floating around when he came down looked like materials are not important and I thought back to the part in the book where it says what is important is invisible to the eye. I would like to see this movie remade using better graphics and special effect; I think it will look even more pleasant and wonderful.
My favorite video was ‘The Little Prince' - the fox and stars because I liked how the fox said how he was the same as every other fox and not unique but he convinces the little prince that you can become unique.
The fox explains to the little prince what hunters are and how they hunt foxes and foxes hunt chickens.
The fox only wants to be tamed so that he becomes not like every other fox and then the little prince learns that his rose is not like every other rose.
The videos of all The Little Prince is the same and all contains the same meanings but it is showed in different ways 6 is a play or a movie 1 is made to be a rap. the rap is quite interesting because it because it is very creative and unique but it is understandable. It is telling about where he visited but more like a short way.
I found the rap one hilarious and disturbing at the same time. The rap applies to today's youth but I think it is ruining a classic story with meaning that the author so carefully wrote. The boys that made the video kind of made a joke of this book because the video seemed to show no deep meaning throughout. Other than that though, the video was kind of funny weird.
The animated Little Prince film relates to today's society. It shows that today computers mean everything, you use it for work, for communication, and for entertainment. And when an error has occured, you lose everything, I think that's what makes the rose seem so cheap and worthless in the film. Many people think that technology is really good and convenient and I do agree that for some ways it is good but i think it lessens the value of things. For example, before whenever people recieve mails from a long lost friend they feel really really excited and set to writing back immediately, and they are always waiting for mail day because it means so much to them. But nowadays, with the conveniency of the high- speed internet and e- mails, talking to an old friend is nothing, and sometimes you even forget about them in quite a short time. That goes double for the Little Prince, I wonder why the film maker decided to use this idea and expressed it with the Little Prince story... ? Although the surprised ending made the film rather humorous, the rose in real life meant so much more to the Little Prince and it was much more beautiful and unique in it's own way, but in the film it was just a set of symbols put together
I find 1, 4, 5 videos interesting. First, video 1 does not have any conversation, but it does give us messages. In the story about the flower is ephemeral. Just like the computer had the error, it’s showing us that it is ephemeral. I think the flower symbol (-{-@) represent something. I haven’t quite found out, maybe if I did I would post it later. Second, the 4th video was interesting too. The secret, “What‘s essential is invisible to the eye.” It means to see with your heart. In tlp, it probably means “tamed.” It said in the story that you won’t be same like anyone in the world because when something is tamed, it has a “tie” to something else which makes the something unique. Finally, the 5th video is about the snake. When I was the symbol decoder, I found out that the snake represents unavoidable death. He said that he can return you in to dust. It’s the bible part when people turn in to dust when they die. The video had explained clearly about that part, but they did a poor job about the snake’s personality. In the story, he speaks the meanings out directly. In the story he spoke in riddles which made this snake odd from others. The snake spoke like it mastered his life. He does not directly tell you how to kill you or why. On the other hand, the video was not the same. Other videos are interesting too, but I think these three were the best.
I enjoyed all of the video from the youtube that it posted in this blog because it gave me lots of good lessons and many interested quotes from the story but my favorite part was the fourth one about the fox because I see the way to value an essential thing and I also got many good points of view in life from this video. It’s about when the little prince landed on the earth, he saw thousand of roses in the garden that look exactly like the one that he had on his planet so that made him feel very disappointed because his rose told him that she is unique in the universe and she will feel very upset if she knows about it.
After he met the fox, he wanted to be his friend but the fox said that he cannot play with the prince because he was untamed. The fox told the little prince that now he thinks that the little prince is just one of those million boys in the world and he is one of those foxes in this world for the little prince too. After when the little prince tamed the fox, they will be unique for each other which mean that after the fox is tamed by the prince or in another way it can be called create tie. It means that when you have a relationship with someone you will see a value of them and think that they are special even there are millions of them in the universe but it will be unique for you. The more you waste time with something, the more you will see its value. The most impressing part that happened in this video is when the fox told the little prince a secret which is the important thing that cannot be seen with your eyes but it can be seen clearly with your heart. I think that this quote is very useful with our daily life and it’s related to our human being because people always value everything with their eyes so they can see just only their looks but they didn’t see deeply inside of it. If you use your heart to look at something, you can see it more deeply than the thing that you see with your eyes.
These video clips quite interested me a lot, few are humorous and it is likely to describe a young prince's journey. Especially, I assume that first video has more values than others. In little prince's planet, there is no media connection, but first video compare these to modern world. When computer system has been crack down by virus system, altogether gone with friend(prince's flower). At first, I watched this video, not making me a sense at all. But after all, I connect this meaning to my philosophical knowledge and it is quite humorous with it. Death come to our life when souls leave our bodies completely. But this clip seems like describing the death when the computer connection is
down. And for little prince, he lost all, his friends and happiness.
I was motivated to criticize first clip which didn't describe the real meaning of life, love, and pain at all.
I think in the seventh video sirimas is absolutely right. She had spme veryu good questions because the rap did not match the real story from the book. But i think they did a great job of summarizing tlp's life in that amount of time and i liked how they made it more modern and therefore more distinguishing and unique to us. The idea of making a rap is great and i think their main point is about the little prince's relationship withe the rose but i actually like how they changed the story a bit because ir gave me a different perspective and i can now relate to the end of the story which i think is what rthe rappers did. They thought about tyhe ending and worked out what tlp actually thought.
My favorite video was the one with the teenagers rapping. I thought what they did was informational and very relevant to a lot of teenagers today.
I think it was good that they made a rapping video because a lot of teenagers will be into stuff that is more relevant to them.
After watching all six of the video clips, The video titled, 'Lil' Prinz' stood out in my mind the most. This was because, I thought that the students did a very nice job of sumarizing an approximately 200 page book into a short 6 minutes video clip. However, they managed to put in all the main details in the story.
However, I think that the reason that this video clip stood out in my mind was because the students made the Little Prince more relavant to the youth (including me) by turning a classic writing piece into a modern day rap. Yet i find this video clip disturbing because the students who made the video didn't seem to reveal any hidden meanings which was an importan element of the Little Prince (the book)
I think that Paddy had a really good example about TLP's rose being unique and special in TLP's life but normal to other people. Paddy had related it to us and our parents. To other people around our world, we would just be some 13-year-old happy-go-lucky kids, but to our parents we would always be the most beautiful and perfect 13-year-olds in the world. This is because our parents spend so much of their time taking care of us, supporting us, and loving us with all their hearts. The unconditional love we get from our parents would last forever. Just like the love that TLP provides for his rose. As time passes by the rose would grow weaker and older but the love she recieves from TLP would only grow stronger and deeper. So to other people the rose might be like any other rose around the world, but to TLP, the rose would be so much more than that, it would be a rare significant rose that can never be replaced.
I don't agree with Geegee because i think it is not connected with values. When i was watching this one, i thought it is about world of machine. Even the title is 'Complex Semiotic aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day communication'. so they express the rose to --{-@ like this sign.
And the fifthe one was so funny. I like the dance though. and i think the best one in these 8 video clips is 'The James Dean story' one. i think it is helpful to understand and we could know meaning easily in here.
And the second one was interesting. I think that one acted very good but it is inconvenienced by not having the fox part.
However, i understand perfectly from these video clips so I like these absolutely.
This lil' Prince video was really funny, but still, I think that they could have showed more thought about this book. The Little Prince, by Saint Antoinette, has tons of deeper meanings and life messages. These "gangsters" failed to notice that, making this video only for laughs.
Thanks for uploading these videos. I think these videos are helpful to our learning about the little prince because it gives us an idea of how we and others can interpret things. Some of the videos are very interesting sych as the rap video. Other then that I think that this book has many deep messages. You just have to keep looking and you will be amazed at what you come across.
The third one taught me many things and make the book easier for me because the video transferred good idea to me.
In this video I understand that taming means to be friend with because when the fox was about to leave him the prince was sad. The deep secret make me understand that most thing isn't visible by the eye but they are understand by the heart.
These videos were great interpretations of novel, which gave me better understanding and connections to the book. In video #4, the fox complained to the little prince of his mediocre rank and monotonous life. Therefore, he asked the little prince to tame him, to make him special. I felt exceedingly curious but also confused about why the fox wanted the little prince to tame him, because in the story the fox said that the l.p. is just a kid. However, I appreciated that at last the fox gave the l.p. a gift which emphasized that, "You can only see things clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to eye.”
I had watched video four. The one where the Little Prince encountered the fox. The quote " you always feel responsible for what you tame" really made me understand why the fox was so sad. To the fox, the Little Prince was the person who made him unique in a way. But when the fox had handed the little prince the note saying what the secret was, that made me wonder until the scene where the fox explains that the essential things that are invisible are very important. The Little Prince also distinguished his flower from the others because in his mind, he thought that he nurtured the flower and that it was HIS flower, his rose and it was unique.
I liked all the videos. Especially the one with the symbol of the flower < -{-@ >. The most interesting part from this video was when the flower symbol appeared on the computer screen and then the computer received an error device. I think this means that not everything can last forever. My other favorite video was the little prince and the fox. The fox and the little prince said the parts very clearly and I think the acting was very well acted. To me, I didn't really quite enjoy the rap video. I didn’t find much meaning in it and it kind of gave me a headache.
I really like the secret that the fox gives to TLP, "You can only see things clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisable to the eye."
I think it plays a big part in the story because you can't see love or friendship, just actions of love and friendship.
I agree with Anna Meh. The "Lil' Prince" rap was a good summary of the book but didn't go in depth about all the symbols and representations that Saint- Ex intended. The rap was super funny but I think there's more to the book.
I really liked Paddy's connection between "taming" and feeling that someone/something is unique and special. When you've lived with your parents for many years they know you almost as well as you know yourself. They can "tame you (teach you) into acting however they think a person should act. That also ties in with feeling responsible for what you tame.
Overall, I think that these clips help you understand the book but they don't necessarily give you what the symbols represent.
The second video was kind a shocking to me because i never thought that of that kind of rythm in the opera. If you read The little prince i nver knew they could put such song because in the book the story is all random
I think that James Dean was trying to make a point about something. And in this case it probably would have been the boy he was telling the story about his favorite line of the little prince to. Maybe James Dean was trying to "tame" the boy he was telling the story to. Or maybe he's feeling responsible for everything that had happened because he had already "tamed" him.
I found the first video “‘The Little Prince’ and the Complex Semiotic Aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day Communication” seems to be quite long and not that interesting. I liked how the rose was written on the computer as this set of characters -{-@
An aspect of modern day communication, the computer, was the most interesting part in this clip, since in the author’s time, computers weren’t around yet. However, as the little prince loaded the picture from the computer, the computer received an error and the flower was lost. I think this is a symbol that shows ephemeral, since the flower can't live for ever. It may also be a part that the creator put in as a humorous scene since olden day computers were said to be capable of having lots of errors causing the data and other important information to be lost. In relationship to the important data, the rose of the little prince was also an important "data" of his. This video has no voice track in it but the animations can explain more than words. It might also mean for us to comprehend it ourselves. Maybe different people might have different perspective about this clip making my think about this video clip over again and realizing that this clip is not tedious after all.
Sorry to late the contribute.
Before I watch the movie, I thought nothing to special things. I watch the first video's object (-{-@), It is the little prince's flower. That PC made the little prince's thinking. Because it is the most important to the little prince.
After watch the video, I thought the little prince thinks his flower is more important than his life. So his flower is very important to the little prince's life.
i found the video "Lil' Prinz" very interesting, and it had all the main points of the book. But they are just telling the points and not the thoughts of each character, like the rose. Still, i laughed much, and i enjoyed this clip! Also, it made it easier for me to understand or remember the story plots. Afterall, this video was very fine for me☆
My favourite one was the lil' prinz because those guys took the story to whole new angel that was actually kinda more interesting. It was music- like the opera one we watched in class but rap makes it a more fast paced and hip movement. Even though it was, well, fun to watch I admit it took away the whole point of the story. It's meant to be a quiet mediation about communications and relationships, and rap is anything but quiet and meditable, Still I liked it, and those guys did a good job of writing the lyrics.
I watched the 7th one and I thought it was a good general summary of the book. And we can understand the general story more easily. I thought the guys did a good job on the lyrics and thier rap was entertaining, so I think this clip is the most easiest clip to understand the general story.
When i watched the little prince rap it made me understand more about the story than when i read it (maybe i didn't read thoroughly) since i didn't know that the little prince went to the other planets to search for love i thought he was searching for a freind.
I was interest in fourth clip 'The Little Prince' - the fox.
In this clip the little prince tamed the fox and he said that he feels sort of responsible for the fox and after he tamed the fox, he said the fox was unique at least to him. And the little prince felt that the rose is he's rose and he was responsible for her and he said he had to go back and take care of her. I thought the fox taught the little prince to moral, that's why the little prince said he is going back to his planet for the take care of the rose.
I also interest in the fox's secret. I think everyone already knows this if they read the story: “It’s only with the heart that one can see clearly, what’s essential is invisible to the eye”. I thought that this sentence has deep meaning.
I watched the seventh clip 'Lil' Prinz'(rapping). I like it because a rap is fun that it makes easy to understand the story, and it was like summary of the book so we can understand the story approximately.
I watched the other clips too, but these are little different as the book. But I like the video more than book.
I totally agree with Friend, Sirimas, and Anna Meh and everyone else who think of the Lil' Prinz video the way i do.. The boys that made up this interesting video called the Lil' Prinz, modified and transformed the classical, meaningful, book into some entertaining but meaningless nerve racking "music" video, otherwise known as rap. I think that the film makers did a good job of summarizing the book but still, they should have realized that the author was trying to say more than that, he wasn't just telling a story. You kind of have to read between the lines to really understand what the author is trying to tell us.
I agree with Krit about the first movie. The little prince found the rose and that was represented by present day symbols on the computer. When I saw the error button pop up, I thought it meant that the prince was with the rose but then it left. When I read Krit's response I realized that perhaps it shows how easy it is for a rose to die and how smart it was for the author of the movie to think about it.
I think the computer in the first movie represented how annoying the prince found the rose but also how helpful the rose was. A computer in present day can have a lot of technology problems but in the end you still want a computer. Just like how the prince found what the rose said annoying but still needed the rose.
These clips were impressed to me because I did not know those information in the book itself.
I satisfied with Mr. James Dean’s explanations about The Little Prince, and I could get to know the other kind of opinions, ideas and concepts.
The Little Prince always tries to express the significant problems which we encounter in our life and have to consider how to deal with.
I think that the rose is a symbol that represents happiness, but nothing is perfect. So that’s why the error happened showing that the little prince can’t have everything he desire. I think this movie is very hard to understand to some people and I think that you can interpret this movie in many different ways.
My favorite clip was the one with the rose and the little prince. This was my favorite clip because it had a symbol of the minus parenthesis minus and @ sign as a rose when flipped over. even though this clip seemed simplistic I still enjoyed it the most.
I liked the first video because it tells about the rose that TLP had it on his planet. I think that all the video were very helpful because they are connected to the The Little Prince story.
I liked the rap because it was funny but it still manage to tell most of the story except the very ending. It had a couple bad words and had different language but it worked. It did not have all the symbols in the story.
I think the first video was Non-sense because it's very short and and all it tells you is the symbol of the rose in keyboard (-{-@)
I found the video "Lil' Prinz" very interesting, and it had all the main points of the book. It was a really funny and cool video clip.
I think these videos are helpful to our learning about the little prince because it gives us an idea of how we and others can interpret things. Some of the videos are very interesting such as the rap video. Other then that I think that this book has many deep messagesand it also shows in some of the clips
I like the fifth video clip of the little prince because it's kind of funny that the snake always say something that start with s a very long s and then say the rest of the word.
I think that the rap is a bit hard to understand and that the people who did the rap just told the story. The rap didn't really have any meaning and didn't intrepret the story or have any symbols. Some of the lines also didn't make sense. For example, they were saying that the prince was searching for love. He wasn't really searching for love but wanted to understand life. I wonder what grade the students got for it.
The video I thought most amusing was the 'Lil' Prinz.' Even though it was very funny and summarized the book quite nicely, I agree with Anna Meh; it is just for laughs. The book contains very deep lessons that cannot be summarized or explained in 6 minutes, therefore this video is more comic relief. I must admit though, it is easier to relate to it than to the book.
I seriously believe that the L'il Prince Rap ruined the classic look of the book but it still, it was enjoyable! This rap is meant for the modern times. It doesn't hold any meaning and doesn't symbolize anything. This L'il Prince Rap is just for enjoyment.
I believe that the video titled "The Little Prince'- and the COmplex Semiotic Aspects of Non- verbal Modern Day Communication" shows that whatever comes on earth has to go. Just like humans, the rose has to go too! ERROR-o-e! It's ephemeral!
In my opinion, I think that the 7th video, 'Lil' Prinz' was kind of interesting. I think that it was very smart for them to make the book seem very fun to people by making a rap out of the book. It was also very smart for them to include all the important events in the book in just a short time. I think that this video is fun to watch, and I am sure other people will enjoy watching this.
Jake Alexander said:
I think that all of the movies went very well with the deep meanings in the little prince. the video with James Dean really had the main deep meanings like in the novel. it seems as though James Dean was reading it to his friend on purpose and he was referring to his companion. The fourth movie was very inspiring because the fox made the prince feel happy again even though the fox knew he had to leave. the note that the fox gave to the Little Prince made the prince feel more relaxed and think about life a bit more. the fifth movie was just random. I knew that it had something to do with the snake biting him and making him die at the end which the prince chooses that.
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