'Napoleon Dynamite'
Movie Review: Some people love this movie and others hate it, but if you like unique and quirky movies, you'll probably watch this over and over like I did. Napoleon is a high school student, the stereotypical nerd, but he comes off as being a new kind of hero who does what he can to help his friend, Pedro, become school president.
Of course, you can tell us more than this if you like, but don't give away too much of the plot that would spoil the ending!
If you have the 'embed' code at YouTube for a particular movie that you are reviewing, pass it along, and we'll include the video clip at this blog post! As with other video clips at the blog, when you hit play, let the video clip 'buffer' through the first time, then it will play smoothly.
First is a montage of video for the movie, 'Napoleon Dynamite.'
Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the making of 'Ratatouille' - mentioned in a recent comment.
Pretty funny how this Movie Zone thing popped up right after I saw an amazing movie. I Am Legend starring Will Smith and Abbey (the dog) is a movie based on a novel. There were two earlier versions of this movie made (The last On The Earth and The Omega Man). The movie is about a virus that killed everyone in the world except the people who were immune (1 percent of the population are immune) and turing the other survivors into mutant flesh hungry. One man stays behind in New York leaving his family to evacuate to find a cure for the virus. Him and his companion dog have a routine each day to radio survivors, hunt for food (loose dears or food at people's houses) One day something went wrong causing the death of his beloved companion. By the despondent by the death of his dog, he tries to kill the mutants with his car, but he failed and another survivor saved him. You have to see more of the movie to find out more. But I thought this was the most amazing movie this year. The following day I watched National Treasure 2, it wasn't as good as the first one, but it is worth seeing. The movie most worth seeing is I Am Legend, shows the courage and determination of one man to save the world. No lie, watch it!
'National Treasure: Book of Secrets'
I watched National Treasure: Book of secrets today. I think it was quite exciting. I think I would call it a mysterious movie. Ben Gates (Nic Cage) was a heroic history treasure hunter. In this movie he searches for the historical treasure because Ben Gate's great great grandfather is blamed of being the mastermind behind the Lincoln assassination. Discovering the historical treasure will prove that his ancestor is innocent.
What i found interesting was in the movie, the setting towards the ending was located on Mt.Rushmore. This reminded me of Mr.kenney because he mentioned it and showed a picture of it to the class.
I really enjoyed this movie and I think everyone would too.
(I am also looking foward to Alien Vs. Predator 2, which is in the theaters on December 27.)
Well a few weeks ago I watched the same movie as Mint.
I thought that the movie was very interesting and had an exciting twist to it. The movie was very adventerous and I think that people who like adventerous movies then this is a perfect movie.
I saw National Treasure too. This movie was the story about the treasure that is city of gold. The computer graphic of this movie and the reasoning of the mystery were so exciting. I thought it was extremely fun and thrilling movie. Everyone should see this movie.
I also watched National Treasure Two: The Book of Secrets. I thought it was a good movie although I enjoyed the first National Treasure than the second one.
Nicholas Cage along with Diane Kruger and Justin Bartha star in this awesome action movie about a treasure hunter whose great-great-grandfather was accused of being responsible for the assassination of a former US president and would do just about anything to know the truth behind the death of Abraham Lincoln to clear his family name.
For people who like to watch a movie with adventure, action and a twist of comedy, National Treasure Two is definitely the movie for you.
Last week I saw the same movie Mint, Sarah, and Yuhei watched. I thoguht it was really interesting. It was really cool how people found different values in different things, like Ben Gates found value in claiming his grandftaher was innocent, and to do that he needed to find the golden city. Unliek his opponent, he wanted the treasure more than anything. I liked this movie because it showed diversity of different people's values. And how sometimes you have to rebel against the laws to get what you want. It was a great movie, and I'd recomend it to everyone.
This week I saw the movie Alien vs predator Requiem, featuring aliens and predators! This movie is always making you nervous and sending chills right into your body. I recommend this movie for people who like fighting and non-stop excitement movies. I personally like this movie and I recommend it to you.
I saw same movie as Paddy last week (I am Legend). Before I watch this movie I thought the movie is not interesting but I haven't seen this before so I watched it. During I was watching "I Am Legend" I was getting exciting about what is going to happen later and after the dog (Sam) died I feel little sad. Because the dog was great value to the man that who trying to find out cure for the virus. The dog was with him when the man was eating, sleeping or hunting. But one day Sam tried to protect the man and him from mutant but when city gets dark mutants came out and bite Sam. And the man shot the mutants with his gun. But after he came to his lab with Sam, he knew that his dog was getting tuning into mutant. And the man killed Sam with knife. This part was most sad scene to me.
At the conclusion of the movie the guy finally found cure for the virus.
After I watched the movie I thought it was great and interesting movie!
Like what Paddy said watch it!
Though Asian movies aren't very successful as Western movies, there are quite numerous Asian movies that i would recommend. One outstanding movie is called, 'King and the Clown.' It is not as famous as other Hollywood movies or Award winning movies, but on my perspective, this is a very good one. This one shows the ancient Korean history clearly and I learned a lot from the movie. The actors in the movies are very famous in Asia, some getting served like VIP in Thailand.
I watched Nationl Treasure. I thought it was very interesting because its story like real. But is is not real. So I thought it is interesting.
I learned we have to do something very hard because human need own ability. That movie's main charactor did not give up to find city gold because that is his dream.
On the last day of school I saw "I Am Legend"
and then
I saw "I Am Legend" again during the winter break with my family.
It's a really good movie, and no, it's not that scary. Although, it can be thought-provoking at some parts.
I recommend everyone to watch this movie.
Two thumbs up :]
I also so Hairspray at home, so if you're a person who likes music, some fun, and some kind of comedy I suggest you should watch this. It is a pretty up-beat and um, a fun movie all in all :]
A movie I saw called "Pet Sanitary 2" It was about a place where you bury dead people and they come to life as a zombie. This movie is about a kid who moved to a new place. He have 1 friend whos's step dad shot his dog because the dog was making sound. So they bury it in the place where dead people or animal come to life. The next day, the dog came to life, which shocked the kid and his friend. After a while the dog became wild, attacking a vet and wound him badly.
I think that this movie is kind of scary but in some scene disturbing for example a guy skinned a rabbit alive and all the blood spattered everywhere.
I watched "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix" at home during the winter vacation. I watched this in Japan last year but I wanted to watch again so I bought this movie and watched. Harry Potter series are all British English, so I was listening dificullity I think because I usually use American English. I felt it was sad and scary because it has about a death but I like Harry Potter so I enjoyed this movie. Id you like a fantasy, or like magic, I recommend you watch Harry Potter.
I also saw the film"I Am Legend"2 weeks ago.Actually,I don't feel the film is very interesting, because I could bet that there must be another people still alive in the end of this movie when Will Smith met that woman,the same as the end of another movie"The Day After Tomorrow".
Next week,I'm going to see a new film performed by Johnny Depp:"Sweeney Todd".It's a frightening story and also is a sort of musical.I like Johnny Depp very much because of his performance in "Pirates of the Caribbean", Capiton Jack!So I hope his new film will also be succesful.
During the holiday in Taiwan, I went to watch the War Loads with my father; unfortunately, I didn't finish the movie, because I could not stand the bloody films. Even though I didn't finish, I still get most of the plots by the opinions from my father and the advertisements of War Load.
This movie was taken place in China, during the Chin dynasty. And about how Chin Dynasty defeat the Tai Ping Empire. The story is basically about how three majestic brothers would accomplish this war. But the odd thing of these three brothers is that they can help each other when they all have problems, but not when they all success. So at the end of the story, three brothers all die, and was all killed by each other.
I think this story is extraordinary, because the three brothers did a very well collaboration, and also had pass lots of difficulty together, basically, they should unite together after they successfully defeat the Tai Ping Empire. However, they didn’t, and killed each others at the end.
However, this movie is very historical, so if you want to know about how Chin Dynasty defeated the Tai Ping Empire you should watch it.
Last night with my parents i watched the brave one starring Jodie Foster as a woman living in New York with her fiance. One night they were walking in the park when a group of African-Americans give them a bad beating. Her fiance dies, but she survives. Now she has bought a gun and has turned into a complete stranger, walking the streets at night.
I thought the movie was really good, but there is a lot of violence that really can harm you. Other than that and there are some hidden meanings in it that you will have to discover for yourselves. I strongly recommend watching this movie
I watched a movie called “Rush Hour 3” during vacation. It was about a fighting between two policemen and Mafia in France. Basically this is an action movie but I would say this is also comedy. It’s really fun and I’m sure you can enjoy this movie and you will not be able to stop laughing till it ends.
For me the most interesting movie i've seen this year was the alien vs. predator. This movie is made to haunt you forever with the thoughts of alien and predators fomr outer space. This movie would make you stop breathing and would send chills up your spine. I personally agree with andrew because this movie was a realy good movie. I recommend this movie to people who like action and sci-fi movies and most of all i recomend it to all of you guys who havn't seen it before.
Another movie that I watched during the winter vacation was "Alvin and the Chipmunks."
I thought this movie was really cute and it was cool how they made the voices so high pitch.
I liked the creativity that these directors put into the movie.
I recommend this movie who likes animals and singing.
This is also a very good family movie to watch.
My favorite movie is “National Treasure” which is the main character, Benjamin Franklin Gates tried to find the national treasure which has four thousands history. I watched this movie with Yuhei and Kevin in movie theatre and I was impressed about Benjamin Franklin Gates’s attachment and their teamwork. If you have a time, you should watch this and think deeply about the most important of this movie.
I saw the new movie which is just published in the theatre, called clover feild. At first screen and picture intrigued me. I was quite motivated to see this movie. However, when I saw the movie, I have to criticized it after all.
First, story of the movie didn't explained about how it happened and why. This movie is just mere like child imagination, such monster come out destroy it. When you write and explain about something, you'll usually explain why and detail about it. Unlike the logical way of writing and explaining, the story of the movie didn't make sense.
Second, the movie is based on a person who is using a video camera to show a situation. But the screen was shaking too much and it is confused me.
I was disappointed about this movie unlike my expectation to see a good graphic and story of movie.
I watched Clover Field yesterday. I saw the picture of clover field and I thought it looks fun. When the movie started at the beginning it was kind of boring so I fall asleep. But the middle was really good. It has really great graphic and makes people exciting and interesting. The movie was about trying to save one guy’s girlfriend by a monster and run away from the monster. I really don’t like the ending of the movie. Ending was he saved his girlfriend and the monster killed the guy’s brother and other friends. And the guy and his girlfriend got killed by monster at the ending, which is everyone died.
After the movie finished I felt kind of sick, because the movie camera was shaking too much so I felt dizzy. But the movies was good only the middle part.
I recommend you to watch clover field it’s very interesting.
I didn't watch any new movies but I really want to see I am legend because I like that kind of movie trying to survive a zombie attack, which connects to my essay, which I am writing about zombies. I love zombie movie so I would like to see this movie mint just told me that I have to watch I am legend so I think I am going to watch it. But I am not legend
I watched the movie called Clover Field on Saturday. First I saw the advertising and the pictures, and it looked fun until I really watched. When we started to watch it was kind of boring, and it confused me, but at the middle I got use to the movie and it was kind of interesting. The movie was about one guy who tries to rescue his girl friend with his friends. First the monster kills his brother and other friends, who were trying to help him and his girlfriend. He finally saves his girlfriend, but at the end he lost everyone else. I didn’t like the ending, because his friends were died to save his girlfriend, than he should keep her save, but at the end he and his girlfriend die under the bridge. This movie was making me dizzy, confuse, and headache. I really don't want people to watch this, if you don’t like dizzy of confusing movies.
Well after I watched National Treasure 2, as I commented above, I watched a funny movie with Pammy and some other friends called "Alvin and the Chipmunks." Although this movie may seem baby-ish, but I think that it is a great entertainer for me and my friends. I laughed alot through the movie and I recommend this movie to people who is in a joke-ish mood.
My favorite line that was mentioned in the movie was ..
"The size of Theodor's butt." It was so funny!
Watch it Everyone.
Has anyone seen the movie, 'Rataouille'? It's the story of a rat in Paris that has a passion to become a gourmet chef. Lively Pixar flick that also includes connections to our topic of self-identity. What do you think? (A video clip was included.)
The movie 'Jumper' was about a guy who could teleport to anywhere he wanted to and it was a really cool movie. It also also reminded me of the hero's journey. The main character felt he needed to stop the guy who was killing people who can teleport.(jumpers) So it was like a calling to start his quest. The threshold was like when he had to leave home and be on the run from the bad guys. The threshold gaurdians were the villains who tried to kill him. The threshold helper was a bad thing because they killed his dad and that made him want revenge to continue on the quest. The challenges were finding the boss of the bad guys because he didn't know where he was and getting his friend to help him save his girlfriend. The abyss is when the main character had to teleport a whole house which someone's died trying before to save himself and his girlfriend and then he teleported his enemy to a deserted rock in the middle of nowhere. (slayed the dragon) The transformation was when the main character became more mature with his powers and had the knowledge that people were trying to kill him all the time. The atonement is just him living on his life like normal at the end, and he returns to his girlfriend and then the movie ends.
Well a few weeks ago, I went to watch P.S.I love you. I thought it was great! (Genre: realistic-romantic), and it’s still in! But last weekend... I saw a great movie:
I LOVED IT! It's a great and adventurous. It is also about a country in the continent, Africa too. I figured this out when I saw the pyramid in the movie, meaning this country was Egypt. It is interesting! This movie reminds me of a movie I watched in school before. In the movie, there is one part where the men goes hunting for the mammoth, and how they camouflage to the grass and move in closer little by little. This movie is about animals and people in the beginning but it gets more adventurous as time passes, moving into more interesting details towards the ending. This movie shows how two people can create a bond between each other and feel how the other is feeling in their heart no matter how apart they are.
MY RATING: 8.5 out of 10. (Maybe 9)
Watch! Watch!(:
Two weekends ago I watched one of the best movies I'ved watched in a while. 10,000 B.C.
While other people thought that this movie did not make any sense at all since cavemen did not exist the same time as mayans or some mysterious civilizations which were unbelievably advanced, hence not liking the movie. However, I thought that the director did this for a reason. I believe that the movie was suppose to teach us a lesson, which is 'even the oldest civilizations can destroy a more advanced civilization if they work together as one and fight as one.' After thinking about it, I realized that the moral of the movie 10,000 B.C. is like the moral of the movie The Power of One.
I have seen many movies recently, but two really stand out. Both are probably not suitable for school, but they are masterpieces nevertheless. "The Shawshank Redemption" is an excellent movie based on a true story. It's about a banker named Andy, who is accused of brutally murdering his wife and a man she was with. Although Andy denies such a thing, he is sentenced to two life terms in Shawshank Prison (although I don't get why two life terms. It's not like they'll revive him after he passes away so that he can live another life in prison). There, he meets Red (Morgan Freeman), who has served 20 years at the prison and acts as Andy's mentor. The movie progresses as Andy discovers corruption, prison life, and more. Right up to and beyond the climax, the movie engaged me. It has many powerful messages and themes throughout, and should definately not be missed.
The other movie I saw recently was "The Godfather". Almost everyone knows the name of this movie; it's one of the highest rated movies of all time, right behind Citizen Kane (another amazing movie). It become so famous that many people quote its lines ("I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.")Most people believe that the movie is about Marlon Brando as mafia juggernaut Don Vito Corleone. The truth, however, is that the movie is about how his youngest son, Michael, transforms over time. Michael is the youngest of three brothers, a hero of World War Two who wants nothing to do with his father's crime business. Eventually, however, as startling event after event passes, Michael finds himself in his father's footsteps. His transformation from young, "innocent" war hero to a powerful and cold man is what makes the movie so engrossing and memorable. "The Godfather" is part of a trilogy, with each part having a complete Hero's Journey and the whole saga documenting Michael's life. And aside from the extremely deep storyline and many visual messages (e.g. the puppet symbol), the movie features a plot that movies at a good pace (not too slow, not too fast) and superb acting. Even if it does sound boring on paper, "The Godfather" is a movie that I highly recommend you watch.
I have an edit to make to my previous post: "The Shawshank Redemption" is NOT based on a true story in the sense that the phrase is most commonly used; rather, it is based upon a story by someone (I believe it is Stephen King), which IS a true fact. Also, the tagline for the movie is: "Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free." This can be connected to our South Africa unit (and even our upcoming Middle East unit) in many ways.
I also meant "...the movie features a plot that MOVES (not movies) at a good pace..." when talking about "The Godfather".
The other day I was watching the movie "The Mask" starring Jim Carey with my brother and one of the scenes related to our mask project that we did in the beginning of the year. In one scene, The Mask(Jim Carrrey)was watching television, and there was an interview playing between the host and an author. The interviewer was asking the writer about their book, which had something to do with everyone having a 'mask'. The guy(writer) was saying how everyone wears a mask to hide who they truly are so the world can perceive them as a conformist and they can blend in with the society. This made me think back to the time where we made the masks and the reflection I wrote about it.
I just left a message about the movie 'The Mask' but i forgot to say that it was from me. Sorry!
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