We'll be looking at what is called the 'hero's journey' as seen in literature, movies, historical events, and even teenage life. But first, what's your definition of a hero? Who are some of the heroes that you have encountered, real and/or imaginary?
Here's the music video that got us going on this topic, 'My Hero' by
the Foo Fighters. (Hit play, let the video 'buffer' through, and then it will play smoothly.)
Some high school students made this version of the hero's journey from the movie,
'The Matrix.'
I think a hero is an individual which have gone through challenges. In Visual Messages, Mrs.Estin told me that a hero is like us which have gone through the Hero's Journey. At first i didn't get it but when i think of it again I got it. The Hero's Journey starts off with a person and a wise guy for example Rafiki from Lion King is the wise guy who tells Simba how to do stuff. After that the Hero starts off his journey with a problem (Bad guys doing bad things) and end the cycle with defeating the problem
When I first think of the word 'Hero', I think of superheroes. Although after thinking about it, I know that my heroes are my parents, my friends, some of my teachers, my religon, and the people who have had a major impact on my life. To me a hero is someone that you can look up to or 'follow in someones footsteps' someone who sets a good example and leads you through a good life.
First of all I think the personality of the “Hero” is the person who is very kind to any kinds of people (no matter who are; don’t discriminate) and the “Hero” always has a philosophy of justice. They have the strong sense of equity. If heroes find somebody who is confronting to a trouble they always help the person. There is lot of books or animations or movies that express the character of hero. Every time for each climax of the story heroes do something very heroic, so the reader or the audience often feels happy after they finish reading or watching. I didn’t really have encountered the person who looks like a hero instead of reading books or watching the specific movies. But I hope I can encounter to a hero sometime in my life.
I just found this post through Google. It's a great question and I love that you pointed out that teenage life is a hero's journey. I run a program called The Hero Workshop where I encourage young people to be the heroes of their own stories.
I talk about 11 traits of heroism. Heroes need to have some of these.
Mitch, the Lion King is a great example of a hero's journey. The writers of that movie actually paid very close attention to the steps of the journey.
Alexis, following in someone's footsteps is a great way to explain a hero too. Joseph Campbell said we don't have to make our journey alone because the heroes of all time have gone before us.
Yuhei, I like your focus on tolerance. Especially on a day like today, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
To me a hero is someone who is there for you and who will help you when your down.I believe that Hero's are in real. Some people believe that there are no hero.
I had never think about what is 'Hero' but maybe I convinced heroes are kind, courageous, and strong. Because I read the books and comic books, and watch TVs often so when I found the story it always has hero. They have similar personalities and abilities, however some heroes are differed from them. They just don't like bad things and bad people, it means they don't think about victims, also they fight with enemy for their pride, or emotions something. But I think it's one way of heroes because if the reason for a fight was ridiculous, they believe themselves and confronting to many trouble. I had never seen a hero in my life. But I believe I'll encounter to a hero like my ideal.
I think a hero is the role model of us. A hero helps us to get out of troubles, take actions that we respect and has a special ability. A hero must'nt have supernatural powers but can have generous minds that warm our hearts. In novels or movies, we can easily find heroes helping people and getting respected. To me, my family, friends and people who support me are my heroes.
My definition for hero is person who can help and be kind to others and know what’s right and wrong. They are the one who has a potential to be respected.
Most of people think a hero is a person who has the super power that can save the world. Obviously, most of them are influenced by the TV shows, because as everyone knows heroes in the movie can fly around and save people. Well I used to have this view of a hero when I was young; however, now I think a hero is a person that can always help people and have the ability to turn a bad situation to a positive situation. Therefore, whoever has this ability will be the hero and I think I am surrounding by them.
For me, I'm going to take this question in three seperate directions: past, present, and future.
Today, a hero is someone who helps those in need or makes a change for the better in the world. Some modern heroes include Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Muhammed Yunus, and Abraham Lincoln. Many of these people are already dead and belong in the past part of this document, but they are still idolized today. Many of them were civil rights activists, and severed the metaphorical chain that we see as malevolence. Malevolence, in this case, being racism, opression, and poverty.
In the future, I predict that there will be new challenges to come. These heroes will find ways to easily desalinate water, to make food for the masses, and deliver wealth unto the poor. Most of these things can only be accomplished by scientists, politicians, and businessmen. I think they will be the heroes of the future.
The past, (my personal favorite) had a far different meaning. Heroes of long ago include Gilgamesh, Achilles, King Richard the Lionheart, and Odysseus(my favorite). What do these heroes have in common? Achievement. That and the fact that many of them were legendary. As I was saying, they all achieved great things. King Richard, or the Lionheart as they called him, led his country of England into the crusades and achieved many victories. Odysseus fought valiantly in the Trojan War and used his wits and strength to overcome the obstacles between him and his home. Achilles was glorified for his martial ability and was seen as a godly figure. Gilgamesh, like Odysseus, faced many challenges and overcame them. These were all achievements, and myth & legend have glorified them into "heroes".
So in simple words:I even less than you about heroes.
The reason why I am posting this comment at the last possible time is simply that I can't think of any clear, concise, and complete definition to what a hero is. Everyone's comments are helpful, especially that link to The Hero Workshop. However, I have to say that I think a hero is someone you respect. It all depends on perception. You respect Superman because he's so darn good at saving people's lives. You respect Harry Potter because he is selfless (hey, I'm just throwing out stuff here). You admire your parent or parents because of what they've done for you. You respect someone because of who they are, or what they have done, etc. I know my definition isn't certainly the best or the most accurate, but the conflicting thoughts in my head have prevented me from thinking too clearly.
It's surprising, though, considering that in every English dictionary, the word "set" has the most definitions, while words like "hero" have few.
I think hero is person who is liked by many people, helps many people and works for the world.For example, Kaka the soccer player. He is known by a lot of people. So I think my father is also a hero because if he doesn't work for us, we can not do anything.
Who is that heroworkshop guy? Hey maybe it will be cool if we check out his website. I just think a hero is someone who help other peoples. I guess the 11 traits that guy wrote is somewhat true too.
Hello again mr kenney. Who in the world is heroes workshop? I think that e hero is e person with courage, faith, and the ability and belief in helping others. I think he needs to be really caring for other people. I think Martin Luther king is a good example of a hero, because he helped soooo many people by doing what he did. It was very risky but he wanted to help other people. Thet's very good and he should definetely be lookad at as a hero.
For me hero is a person who can help us anytime even though they know it's going to be hard time for them. I think everybody has their own hero, like their parents or their friends. Parents always look after us and take care of us.
For me the hero is a person that saves people life whoever that is in danger. Many of movies have hero. I think that is why people are more interest about it. I think the real hero does not tell anyone that they are hero. Hero is helping people when no one can help someone. They just come and immediately help people. I think anyone can be hero, because hero doesn’t have to be really strong and fly everywhere. They just need to help people in danger.
" And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you "
That's from the song Hero by Mariah Carey.
When I think of heros, I think of my friends. I don't think heroes needs to have super powers, or need to be famous people. My heroes are probably my best friends and my family. They're my heroes because they make me feel like a hero too. They stand up one more time when they fall, and they're strong enough not to give up on themselves. They push me to be better than ever, which makes me feel good. So I don't think heroes are only people who are famous for what they've done in history, but just the people who do really great things, and don't need to be noticed.
"Heros" When i think of that word, it might me have an image of superman, spiderman, x-men, fantastic 4, and other heroic characters, but they are actually aren't my hero. Why? Because they did not do anything for me... and they are just made up. I might think of them as a role model but not a hero. My heros are my friend. This is because they are by my side when I am stressed out, worried, and sad. They make me happy when I am with them. They would do almost everything to make me happy. Without my heros(My friends), my life will not be complete.
In my opinion, I think that Hero's has to go through a lot of tests to prove them selves that they are actually heros. I think one of the steps require a sacrifice because this shows some wisdom, courage, maybe hero's weakness. Hero can't do everything by themselves. In people's perception, how they see heros are different. But, I think that sacrifice is a step to become a hero. For example, parents might be your heros. They help you until you are grown up and can take care of yourself. While taking care of you, they use a lot of money on you until you are grown up.
A hero is some one who can save us and make us safe but according to the sound track of Spiderman the song call "hero" by Chad Kroeger (feat. Josey Scott). the lyrics says.
And they say
That a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away
So this is like a hero doesn't always come when you want help, some times you have to make a difference by yourself.So you don't only depend on someone else all the time.
so a hero is not always other people around you , you can become one if you just do it.
My hero is who are save something because if you are in dangerous scene, then someone save you. What do you think? I think that person is hero. But do you have courage for save someone? I don't have that courage so I respect that people who has courage. And I saw one person in train. He fought with very dangerous bee. Its bee has very bad venom. But he fought with that bee. And finally, he killed that bee. At that time, many people screamed in the train then he went there then he fought with that bee. I know it is not enough to explain what I saw. But he is hero in my heart. So I brought this true story. And I want to be like that person.
When the word “Hero” first come to my mind, my first though was a person who have a super power or saved the world like in all those fantasy movies but after I think about it carefully I realize that hero is not a person with all those kind of super power anymore. We have many definitions for the word hero because people have different perspective but for me, I can meet my hero everyday because my hero is my parents who always stand by me. Hero is a person who guides me to a good life. I believe that my parents are my perfect hero.
When i hear the word, 'Hero' I'll usually think of spiderman, superman, and all the other superheroes. But, as the song that you showed us on youtube 'heroes' - foofighters. Which means, heroes CAN be ordinary. You don't need super powers to be a hero. If you do something good, and you are proud of it then you should consider yourself one, a hero, that is.
I also think of the people close to me as my heroes too, the people who you look up to, an has made a huge impact on your life. Like Alexis had said, and I agree with her.
So mainly, my point is that everyone can be heroes, if they want to be :)
When talking about heros I usually don't think about all the imaginary ones such as Superman or Spiderman. I only think of those heros when talk about 'Super-heros'
When talking about heros I usually think of normal everyday people who does stuff not just for themselves or because other people tells them or pays them to do it. I see heros as everyday people who does stuff to help make their community or the world they live in a better place, for everyone. A great example of who I think of as a hero is the guy in the music video for the song 'My Hero' by Foo Fighters. A person who does things for the 'greater good' is a hero to me.
In my opinion,hero appears when people are desperate or have a great need of help.That person,if he can help,and more importantly,bring the hope to the others,he will be regarded as the hero!Often hero is risking himself or making sacrifices to help or save others.So,I think this is why it's not easy to be a hero. But with the spirit of helping others without considering oneself too much,every normal person can be a hero.
Let's see, where should I start this? Oh, I know, well for Thai people we think of heros as dead people. Not like those superman and spiderman as mint said. Those superheros are just completely fake (with a little exception, well from my perspective that is, I think that batman can be a real person since he just uses technology not super powers, but its my perception so don't think about it too much). Heros for Thai people are, hmmm lets see, for example King Naresuan Maharat. Thai people add the word Maharat to represent the word hero in english. This word means that this person has done Thailand a great deed and had sacraficed his life for Thailand. Thai people don't actually call the Rama 9th an actual hero since he is still alive. He might be a hero to many of Thai people but we don't call him a Maharat. Well what do you guys in Humanities class think about this. Comment me on how you think about this topic: What's Thai people's perspective of a hero?
For me, a hero isn't someone who can walk on water or fly up high in the sky. Ordinary people are the main hero's in our society. People who help us in our daily activities are heroes. A hero has courage and is willing to help anyone around him, no matter what the cause or danger.
In the bigining, I think the hero is a person who rescue from danger and is respected by a lot of people. In addition, kindness, blave, strong and faithful.
Recently, there are a lot of ATROCIOUS incidents in the world. When it occurs, we hope that the hero rescue from those happening. But actually, the hero will not come and rescue from us.
To me, a hero doesn’t have to be someone with supernatural powers. It can be someone normal like you and me. I think a hero is someone who helps someone out and makes their lives better. They make sacrifices for someone and a hero is someone you can trust on whenever help is needed. My friends are my heroes because they help me out. They “save my life” because whenever a problem arises, they help me feel better and help solve the conflict. Without them, I would be unhappy and sad all the time. Sometimes, they would sacrifice things like their time to help me. For example, if I needed help on homework, they would use their free time that they have to help me instead of relaxing. They make me a happier person and my life is better because of them.
I think that a hero can be meaning many ways of how people think. One of them is like the hero of the children's video such as Superman, Batman, etc. The other meaning of hero that I like is a person you really like to be like them. For me, a hero is like a person that likes to help people. If you are like playing violin and the violinist that you like is the hero.
I always thought that a hero is known as the "protagonist". But then I reliazed that I was wrong. A hero is reconized as a person who has internal power and external power. For example the movie we watched today Steve Biko is a hero to the black people but to the white people he is a terrorist. Heroes are people who are being looked up to, be respected. People who are being admired. Friends are heroes. Always there to help you out and act like a guide so you can follow along. Without friends our heart have no hero.
Heroese are people who help other people to make their lives go on. Heroes help others not becuase of money but because they wanted to see those people become good citizen that also help others as well. My hero is my dad since he always help me on my homework and help guide me through hard times. He's also a good reminder of my goals and also my tresure of knowledge. Oh, the quote 'save my life' from geegee's comment also reminds me of the Thai rock band Bodyslam (latest album name Save My Life)which has good songs that help listeners get through the hard times of their life.
My hero is Paul Gilbert, the reason he is my hero is because I look up to him. I, as many other fans admire what he does. But to me a 'hero' can be anyone. Being brave can come in different ways, students can be heros if they are brave enough to tell their teacher they had too much work. Many kids and teachers at ISB are also other kinds of heros because we've donated to a lot of schools and to the unfortunate kids, we are their heros for what we did. You don't have to save the world to become a hero, but you can make it better to become a hero. So basically I think a hero is someone who people can look up to in a good way and make the world a better place.
I personally think that a hearo is somone who saves and helps peoiple. a hero is a person which everyone looks up making them a role model to our society. heros dont take addvantage over people unlike villains. They have to be loyal, respectfull and brave. Anyone can be a hero no matter what by helpign and saving others like Terry Fox who had a fake leg bu ran in a marathon and showed that nothing is impossible no matter how your body looks like.
For me, a hero means someone who help or rescue a person or animals such as fire fighter who rescue people from blazing buildings or houses.
I believe that there is a hero in everyone. You don't need to be able to fly around in tight pants and a cape to be a hero. Heroes can be everyday people just like you and me. To me, a hero is someone that does a favor, or does a good deed for someone else. A hero can be your dog, or your cat. So lets say that you come home really tired from sports practice and you are on the brink of fainting but then your dog runs along, jumps on you, licks your face and make you smile. Sure, it may not be saving your life, but it still made you feel better. Heroes are just normal people who help other normal people. You don't have to detonate a nuclear bomb to be a hero, it could be the little things that you do that brightens up someone's day. You may not be able to 'save' their life, but hey, atleast you made them feel better. Heroes come and go. Everyone can be a hero, but it is their choice if they want to be one.
My definition of a hero would be someone who does something great, not really for him or herself but for others, doing it without expecting anything in return. I have never really encountered many heroes as far as I know, or maybe I have because a hero could almost be anyone, without you even knowing!
A hero is a person who overcomes a problem or disadvantage. My personal hero is Helen Keller. She was deaf, blind, and mute but she managed to become a socially active person. She gave confidence to those who were handicapped and she inspired others to overlook their weaknesses and continue pursuing their dreams.
For me, whenever I think of the word "Hero" I think of people who have super powers, but that's not what a hero is.
A hero is anybody, I think a hero is somebody who can make a difference. Making a difference is showing that you care for something.
For me and maybe anybody I think that my biggest heroes are my friends. They make a difference in my life everyday, I couldn't live without THEIR super powers.
Mr. Kenney,
Sorry for the delay. I was hoping that we would find my original comment.
In many ways the definition of a hero, like many things, is viewed differently by different people. Most people's perceptions of a hero are exaggerated by such characters as seen in movies. In the previous comments I have seen such traits as achievement, natural ability, courage, selflessness, and wisdom attributed to heroes. There is, of course, nothing wrong with these, but I agree with Pammy's idea, the fact that anyone can be a hero. This is absolutely true, although generally heroes are only remembered if they bring about major achievements. Initiative can be the difference between a hero and an average person.
To be a hero, one must be distinguishable from the next person and have some or all of the traits above and more. In general, they must be thoughtful and achieve things that are not only helpful to themselves but to others as well. Great people are remembered for their deeds to help a large group of people. These people can be war-heroes, such as Horatio Nelson, but can also be like Nelson Mandela who justified the rights of many people. This is not always true, as some people who achieve great things may not be directly helping people. These people are admired for being extremely talented. Tomo gave an example of this by saying that Kaka (a footballer) is his hero. This is obviously because Tomo is keen on football and envies Kaka as a player as well as a person. Famous musicians can also be called heroes. Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Mozart, Liszt, and Chopin are some famous musicians. Their music was “Revolutionary”.
Innovations in certain fields of study can make someone a hero. Heroes can be found for such subjects as mathematics and science. Einstein is a name that springs to mind, along with Leonardo da Vinci, Pythagoras, and Galileo. They solved problems and came up with theories that are still admired years after their deaths. Such people are accredited for their contributions to our knowledge of science. Without their discoveries we may not have become the advanced race that we are.
Famous discoveries and explorations can also make one famous: Christopher Columbus, Captain James Cook, and Sir Walter Raleigh are some examples. Like the mathematicians and scientists, their discoveries have shaped the world in which we live in.
Out of all of the heroes that I have mentioned, there are common attributes that all heroes need. They need to accomplish exceptional achievements that other people benefit from, either directly or indirectly. These achievements will probably be memorable. Remember, people can be born insignificant and die heroes. Great heroes never die...
Well, A hero would be a person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life. My hero would be Muhammad Yunis who won Nobel prize and a poet Rabindranath Tagore.
I think a hero is someone who is selfless and only thinks about doing good. A hero does not need to have superpowers to be a hero because hero come in many sizes and shapes regardless of race, nationality or religion. There is a scale in being a hero because everyone is a hero if they do good for others.Civil servants are heros and we are heros, it does not matter how big your deed was or how small because I can be a hero if I try.
Many people saying hero is who help or rescue the someone or something. I agree with this opinion but, I think everybody can be a good hero. Example the kind people. If I am thinking about the science problem, the kind people gives me some hint. Then I think that person is a hero to me. We can be a hero very easy but, almost people can't be a hero because it looks easy but, it needs a lot of guts.
When I was reading a story about a hero a long time ago. I think the perspective of heros changed as time passed on. In old stories, such as myths, superheros (aka God) were born differently than others.
The story I read was called Oh-To-Ri. This story takes place in Korea when selfish king is harming the people in Korea. Then some family in the village have a baby that has little wings on his back. This shows that this baby is hero because he is different than others. Then the story carries on. From this story I noticed that hero's story from past are not realistic.
Nowadays, people sometimes relate heros as ordinary people and the story could be realistic.
ps: the comment about steps of hero (anonymous) is my comment
A Hero in my perspective is someone who help other or someone who is a model for other people. It can be anyone.
I think hero always doesn't mean go to the abyss and fight with something. Hero could be a soccer player who is good and could be a business man. I think it depends on their perceptions.
When i hear the word hero the sterotypical picture of a man saving the worl wearing a cape comes to my mind but when i really think of it i think about normal people that influence my life i think my parents are heros for raising me and making me who i am right now. I also consider my hero ronaldhino he was a poor boy in brazil and now he is 1 of the best players of the world, so the word hero varies very much.
Why are bad guys not "Hero's" i think they are also hero's, they also face the same things, but unlucky they couldn't overcome there fear and win.
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