Following our recent studies about Apartheid in South Africa, we now look into the issues of bullying at school and in cyberspace. Share your ideas that relate to the movie 'Odd Girl Out' and/or the CNN report of 2005 about cyber-bullying. The first video clip below has three scenes from 'Odd Girl Out,' followed by the CNN report.
'Odd Girl Out' (3 scenes from the movie)
A TV News Report about Cyber-Bullying
The CNN report and the movie ‘Odd Girl Out’ showed me how much words can hurt. Ryan and Vanessa were bullied by their so called ‘friends’ until they reached a certain point where they couldn’t stand it anymore and made a bad choice. Words hurt more than a strong arm because no on kills themselves from getting hurt unless they wanted to put themselves out of their misery. Ryan put himself out of his misery by killing himself because his self-esteem was affected and all the horrible things people said to him made him feel targeted and left out. I think most kids who tease on msn really don’t mean it, but to a sensitive it could really affect them. So self-esteem really is something a bully targets. Vanessa’s friends took her life apart by shunning her, calling her names, and spreading rumors. Vanessa felt unaccepted because her friends no longer liked her anymore but at the end of the movie she knew she shouldn’t dumb her grades down and cut her hair because it wasn’t her. Maybe with self respect comes individuality. I think conforming is just an act of weakness, it can be cool to do things your friends do but to want to be like them shows you don’t like yourself the way you are. Famous guitarists don’t conform to other guitar players; they get famous by being original. For example, Albert King plays a normal guitar but strings his guitar different from everyone else and of course his different style. Vanessa wanted to be like her friends, but one of her friends was scared of Vanessa getting her popularity and her boys so she made Vanessa’s life horrible by bullying her. Bullies only bully because they are insecure and try to gain power by putting others down. Ryan seemed like a nice guy according to his parents. He was an easy target and other kids found it easy to gain power by putting him down.
Watching the CNN report made me realize how relevant cyber bullying really is. It is also shown in "Odd Girl Out", but knowing that a boy has actually committed suicide is really an eye-opener for me. I use the MSN messenger program almost daily; although I make sure I know who I'm talking to. I think that children who use these messaging systems should be aware of bullying and that they have as much responsibility as their parents in dealing with cyber bullying. It is hard to tell who you are talking to, so using the internet for conversations should be limited and should not replace other means of communication (not that using the telephone for long periods of time is a good alternative). I know that it can be difficult, but we should use the internet more for information than for communication. We should know who we are talking to and we need to be careful about the files that are sent to us. If someone is bullied, they should tell their parents or simply stop talking to the person. If a matter is so private that you cannot discuss it with your own parents, then it is likely that you should not be discussing it at all.
We shouldn’t allow bullies to get to us. If you really cannot give up your privileges, then you must learn to ignore the bullying. It is already apparent that around 80% of people are bullied, so it is more than likely that you will be or haven been bullied. The internet makes everything so accessible that it is almost inevitable that one of these “cyber bullies” will appear. So, the next time you go on MSN, or Facebook, or other related sights, just watch out for those cyber bullies.
I enjoyed watching this movie. I got bullied when I was in 3rd grade. I can't forget it because it was pretty frightening. It was one of the most horrible things in my life. And this movie showed real school life, so when I was watching the movie, I recalled when I was getting bullied. I can't describe this well, but bullying is really horrible, but I don't think we can get rid of it because of our emotions, but the important thing is to think about who is getting bullied. In my opinion, this is actually the most important thing in school.
I think in our school, there is no cyber-bullying or bullying. I don't know why it's very rare these days to see a perosn getting bully. people mostly tease nowadays. I think that people are afraid of getting into trouble and getting suspended in school. I think in high school there might be some bullying....but I don't really know what will happend in high school when people get bullyied.
In my opinion bullying is one of the ruthless events that happening frequently in school. No matter how much adults trying to prevent it to happen on kids, it still take place everywhere. To look form the other perspective, instead of making prevention from adults, I think kids should learn how to stay away from bullying and do know how to make the right choose when they suffer bullying.
In the movie Odd Girl Out and the CNN report show 2 different solutions that kids made. Vanessa and Ryan are two victims of bullying, but they end up differently because of their individual choose. At the end of Odd Girl Out Vanessa took out her courage to fright with Stacey (head of girls that bullied her) and told her that bullying others is absurd and unaccepted, then she stays away from her and ignore her bullying. Vanessa had made a right solution of solving the problem with her peers and end up positively. However refer to the CNN report Ryan had made an opposite choose and end up with death for the solution. Ryan had been bullied on the message system and totally lost himself within. Therefore he chose death for extricate. Ryan had made a wrong choose because he was died and did not solve the problem. If Ryan knows that can’t survive bullying he should be aware of it when he use massage systems.
Before I take the health course, I never thought that bullying can be that common in school. I don’t think I’ve been bullied so I cannot taste the bitter from being bullied. But what Yuzuke said is really scary. The two cases of Vanessa and Ryan are similar because the bullies all chose the emotional bullying. As you can see, words are really powerful that can take people’s life. Two victims retreated from reality by attempting to suicide because they had no longer courage to face it. Fortunately, Vanessa’s mother already realized that bullying had happened on her kid which Ryan’s parents didn’t. I think that is why Vanessa could be “reborn” after she had been bullied but Ryan could not. She dared shout at Stacey at last because of the support from her parents and her friends. We need a scientific solution to face bullying. First of all, we should learn to ignore it. Most bullies would give up if they don’t see you feel painful after their bullying. Of course, you need to “fight” against bulling rather than hide yourself from it if it maintains and you would better look for help from others. I don’t understand how come people can get happiness by hurting others, no matter physically or emotionally. They should feel ashamed of what they did.
I think the kid in the CNN report maybe committed suicide because something else. Because if I was in situation and people are typing means things on the mail, I do not think I would have cared much, not enough for me to commit suicide. I think it could have been something else that started this and the cyber bullying only push him toward what he was already considering. Or maybe I am just not seeing how hurtful this is yet.
I think that the movie "Odd girl out" really opened the eyes of alot of people in my class. I heard people going "OH MY GOD" and "HOW COULD SHE DO SUCH A THING?" It opened my eyes too. We were all talking about it from our point of view. Most of us said "How could she be so stupid and repeat the same mistakes?" I said it too. But when I thought about it, I realised that if I was Vanessa, I would want to get back the relationship I had with Tracey. They had been best friends since they were small, letting go of a friendship that important is hard to do for all of us. So I do not think that this movie was exagurating as some of us said. We do not see it happening maybe because the people that this is happening to do not talk about it with their friends.
I enjoyed watching the movie. I believe that what occurrence in the movies is also happening in our real life at school. It might not happen in our school but it also illustrate me that words from others can affect us poorly. I am truly agreed with all the teenagers in the clip that we watched in the class that they said” when someone tells you something hurtful; it really stays with you. That make me realize that all the mean words or gossip can accurately hurt people in mental way and it never disappear because something that hurt your feeling will possibly attach with you forever even you attempt to forget it. When people got intimidate or bully at school, they will consider themselves as a loser that have nothing individual, some of them that take it so serious that they can even overdose ( According to the movie.) The bullies can also happen at the cyber world too. All the rumors in the cyber world will spread out very quick. It will cause so much painful to the person who’s in the gossip because it will goes everywhere, you never know. The adults and parents should be very conscious and put a lot of anxiety in this problem. If the kids get so much bullying and get very stressful, they might decide to do something that we never know. Almost every adult believe that the bullying in the internet might be from all the nameless strangers but they never knew that most of them come from friends at school. I never experience it myself but I know that it will cause so much pain for me.
I disagree with Mitch. Before I never realized how much bullying was going on in our school. Before, the thought of cyber bullying never really counted as being mean for me because it was all just joking around. Nearly everyday some one I know will make a rude comment about someone or do something to someone to push down their self esteem. Some times its rude Photo Comments that are meant to be funny, but they’re not. Now that I think about it, so many people have been hurt through this. Like Paddy said, I also never realized how strong words can be. When I've experienced people teasing other people, the words used were meant to be harmless yet dangerous, but now that I think about it, there is nothing that is harmless about it. Words can hurt people so much. From the CNN clip, I realize how a small matter like being teased about homophobia can lead to something like suicide, which really amazed me. Just like in Odd Girl Out, Vanessa tries to kill herself because she’s pushed down and made fun of so much that she can’t handle it. This movie really affected me because it changed the way I feel about cyber bullying. I wish everyone could see this movie so people would realize how much they’re hurting people, whether they’re doing it intentionally or not.
The movie ‘Odd girl out’ had just opened my eyes about how girls get bullied, and how it hurts by using words, spreading rumors, and teasing. I’ve been teased, I’ve been bullied so many times but I never cared about any ones words they say; it’s like I hear from one ear and it goes passes the other ear. In this school I have seen some girls arguing and doing a similar act like in the movie, so this also relevant to me.
I have never been cyber bullied, and Ryan made an erroneous choice to kill himself. I think cyber bullying doesn’t hurt for me, face to face would be more affected to me. By saying that Ryan made an erroneous to kill himself is because, I think he could talk to someone or just say something not ending his life on who ever it is he doesn’t know.
For me I deal with bullies easily I would say I f 1 million people says bad things to me I wouldn’t get hurt I would laugh sometimes if its funny, I think I don’t have feelings sometimes I just don’t care. I would say if someone says bad things to you say it back to them I see how they feel, make them feel how we feel when we’re hurt.
I agree to what Mitchell said, I think in ISB middle school, there is no bullying or cyber bullying. When I was in Elementary school in Korea there was bullying in every classes. Students were teasing them hurting their feeling or hurting them by physically. In my opinion, bullying shouldn’t happen anymore. When people bully someone they should think about the person who is bullying by them one more time, how their feeling would be after bullied by them. As you saw in the movie ‘Odd girl out’, girls usually bully people by teasing them. It doesn’t sound like harmful, but it is hurting their feeling badly. People often think about suicide when they bullied by someone. In my experiences, I’ve never bullied by someone but I’ve seen many people who were bullied by someone. In CNN news Ryan killed himself because of bulling. When people bullied by someone they usually don’t tell anyone that they are bullying by someone. I think it is because when they tell adults about bullying then they think the situation would get worst. I suggest that when you are bullying by someone, then try to find the solution. REMEMBER suicide is not the solution!!!!!!
i knew bulling was bad, but by watching this movie and after reading the cnn report it opened my eyes, i didnt know words can hurt so much that they can lead to the point you hate your life so much that you dont want to live anymore. i really think this is a horrible thing, and i just cant believe it that boys like me encoraged a 'friend" to kill himself, i think its unhuman. But i also think people should know how to lead with this type of things, as robin said we shouldnt let bullies hurt us, we have to stand out for ourselves.
I agree and disagree with Mitchell’s comment. In our school I think there is a lot of cyber-bullying, but I do not notice much bullying between boys, other then name-calling, and teasing. I also know that many people are concerned with getting in trouble with the school, for bullying and teasing, because our school takes it very seriously, because of incidences like in the CNN report. In high school, I don’t know what happens in between the boys, but I know the girls spread horrible rumors, and use facebook, to cyber-bully.
This is just another example of how the old rule 'sticks and stones' doesn't really apply. The trauma caused by verbal insults can be even more wounding than some physical wounds. Also, different people may take verbal abuse differently. It's all a matter of what gets to people and whether or not they let it get to them. Some men may not care if they heard their friends saying "his hair is so frizzy" or "he really has put on some weight", but some women may take this a lot worse.
As for the reasons that people dish out this verbal abuse, I'm not sure a body can tell. I don't think that Vanessa did anything in particular to receive this treatment.
I think bullying in school is a very big problem. I kind of disagree with Mitch because I think there are still many bullies in school. I think it looks like there are lesser people getting bully, because they were scared to tell other people. There are many ways that people can bully. People can bully buy using words, using violences and people can get bully by posting bad things on the internet! I think cyber-bully is the worst of all. You can post anything without anybody know that it's you.
From watching the CNN news, we know that it can make people committed suicide. I think the movie "Odd Girls Out" show the kinds of bullying in school very well and how you can solve it. In the movie, Vanessa's friends were bullying her by making a website teasing her about her weight and hair. This makes Vanessa felt very bad and tried to change herself. She solve the problem by telling her parent and be strong.
I wasn’t very surprised with the movie “odd girl out” I was even able to predict certain events, because almost all of this is taught to us in health class. I was a little shocked on how cruel they (Stacy and Nikki) were being to Vanessa. I mean come on where is your sense of shame people? Have you any honour? Show some pride!
The only part of this movie that I thought was surprising was how at the end Stacy sent Vanessa and her private online chat to Nikki. Before this movie I didn’t realize how cruel people can be online. Sometimes I think that we would be better off without chat rooms and whatnot, I know that I may sound like a grouchy old guy but it may be for the best. Personally I think that all bullies are just plane idiots and need to get a constructive hobby besides being jerks!
There IS bullying at ISB, but it is not as severe as the bullying in most schools. I think this is because ISB has strict policies regarding rules and bullying, and most kids are generally smart enough to realize what many have already said: the person who bullies is really the one who is afraid.
The movie and the CNN clip showed some startling things. As many have already said, they represent opposite ends of the spectrum; on one hand, Vanessa stood up for what she believed in and (if I must say) thoroughly trashed Stacey's ego and reputation. On the other hand, Ryan succumbed to the pressure and took his own life. I found it interesting that Ryan was driven to suicide from taunting. His parents said that he was smart; surely, wouldn't he have thought to tell an adult, stand up, or ignore the bullying? For example, he didn't have to chat with people everytime he used a computer, and he could have blocked these so-called friends if he just had to chat with people. But he didn't, and that was why the bullies won against him. Kids should learn that they need to be strong and ignore anyone who puts them down. Everyone deserves a fair chance at life, but the greed of others robbed Ryan's of his.
In response to Spenser, most bullies dish out pain because they themselves are abused or are afraid of something. Rather than rise to the occasion by accepting those facts and working to eliminate those fears, bullies seek to bring others down with and below them.
This movie demonstrates some of the unseen blemishes on the underbelly of adolescent society. Most parents and teachers are unaware of the sinister web of hostility that exists between many teenagers ( not in ISB, of course). Vanessa is a good example of an intelligent, pretty, and friendly american young woman. Because of this, she is the perfect candidate for unprovoked attacks from her more flawed peers. Often, people that are my age are frustrated or stressed for no particular reason ( its even worse when there is a reason). When people are stressed or frustrated, they usually seek some kind of conduit to vent out their emotions. I suppose that the hostility shown to Vanessa by her peers was this torrent of negative emotion. This would explain the reason for their axis against Vanessa.
After some reflection, I think that this movie also demonstrates the trauma behind verbal abuse. Buddha once said that words are the greatest healers and the most devastating of destroyers. In the case of Odd Girl Out, words were stronger than sticks or stones: because a broken heart isn’t easy to achieve with a pebble.
I think this movie ‘Odd Girl Out’ was so impressed to everyone in p.1-2 and p. 7-8class, because I guess in this both class, there is no bullying someone. But by watching this movie, we could feel the hurt by bullying and get hurt. Actually, I and my classmates bullied one girl and one boy in Korea. I remember that the boy who had got the bullying from us yelled at us as I’m going to suicide in front us. And before that, our homeroom teacher knew that he got bullying from us but she didn’t notice and didn’t think how problem it is. And when he yelled like that the other classmates come to our class and look over the window and giggled. Well, at that time, nobody liked him. Later that happens, my homeroom teacher tried to help him to get out from bullying. But I think it’s really difficult and still he has got bullying. And one time, I remember my classmates snapped him and when I watched the movie, I feel sorry about that. I know it’s too late and I know he will not apologize me and my friends. But I’m really sorry and I heard he moved last year.
The movie ‘Odd Girl Out’ and the CNN report of 2005 about cyber-bullying made me very frightened. I saw how terrible the girl’s bullying was in the movie ‘Odd Girl Out’. Especially I recognized that how one bad word will hurt someone easily. Also I understood that how boy’s bullying and girl’s bullying are similar and different. Bullying by girl and bullying by boy are similar because they hate or discriminate basically one person by more than 3 people. But the way they bully is not the same. First, girls bully by teasing the person or bully by using a computer in cyber-space. Therefore they bully in mental way. But in opposite, boys usually bully by kicking or punching other people. The boys do physical bullying. I thought that physical thing is terrifying but mental bullying is more frightening because it accuses the constitution of our body.
I agree with Tata, I believe that the movie 'Odd Girl Out' really opened up some people's eyes. Especially the boys. I think that they never knew that girls can be so vicious and mean. There are some pretty twisted and complicated rules in the girl world. Where each girl manipulates and discriminates one another. I would recommend this movie to my parents because I don't think they know what us girls go through. They don't realize that girls will fall into the grip of peer pressure just to "fit in". Even though the problems at ISB aren't nearly as big and bad as the ones in the movie, I can always spot some bullying here and there. I think bullying is worse with girls, because we tend to hurt each other through verbal abuse. And as Ashley Fay said in the News Report, words really stick with you forever while bruises will fade away.
I agree with paddy The CNN report and the movie ‘Odd Girl Out’ shows how much words can hurt. Vanessa and Ryan have been bullied at school and this followed at home through the internet called Cyber-Bullying.
Ryan’s friends taunted him about girls he liked and other hurled homophobic accusations.
The CNN reporter: One so-called friend encouraged Ryan to kill himself.
I think Ryan shouldn’t have committed suicide.
Vanessa an eight grader. She finds her friends start to bully her because of Tony being interested in Vanessa. Stacey her best friend who likes Tony and the leader of the group gangs up and Nikki who is a Wannabee and a bystander too.
Ryan and Vanessa have been called names and they both took it to themselves, well Vanessa fights back at the very end of the movie. The movie ends with Vanessa fighting Stacey and she says “you don’t have anything I want”.
Words Hurt! Don’t be apart of it. From my health class.
I think that bullying is the most worst thing to do because from "Odd Girl Out" and report of CNN, I learned that bullying could be one cause person's death. I also learned how girl's bullying and boy's bullying are different. Basically, boys bully people by violence, but girls bully people bit by bit over time. Similar thing is that they say something bad about people to them. For example, they tell them to die.
Even before watching the movie and CNN clip, I was aware of how serious the issue 'bullying' was. I have also heard of it and maybe have seen it taking place, but I am ashamed to say that I didn't really care because it wasn't my problem. But now, I know that bulliying is not someone else's issue but it could also be my issue suddenly. I have experience to help a person who was getting bullied and now feel proud that I have actually helped getting rid of bully. On the other hand, I wasn't really shocked about the CNN news because I saw many people commiting suicide because of bullying so the topic wasn't new to me. When living in Japan and Korea, I saw many news saying that people commited suicide because of school bullying, and generally I have also seen news coming out from almost everywhere of the world. However, the point is that it is beyond just serious for people to commit suicide because of bullying, so we should stop it or else school will be a chaos.
I think that cyner bullying is just an easy wasy to get away with something serious. When you are on the internet chatting, you can use false names so nobody will know who you are. Therefore it is very popular amongst many teenagers these days. But cyber bullying is also very hurtfull, and often underestimated amongst parents. The truth is that cyner b ullying is probably one of the most common ways to bully, and it is very effecticve. It can cause very many horrible situations, and can even go to the point where the victim commits suicide. It has to stop, and adults are now finally realizing just how big of a problem it is.
Reflection on ‘Odd Girl Out’
When I was watching this movie I felt very sorry for Vanessa, because she was dumped by her best friends. I think Stacey was not true friend of Vanessa, because if she was true friend with her she should not listed to Nikki. Especially Stacey dumped Vanessa because of Tony. Girls were jealous of Vanessa, because she was pretty, smart, Tony likes her, and she was best friend with Stacey. Stacey didn’t know that Nikki wanted to separate their friendship between Stacey and Vannesa. Stacey believed everything what Nikki was telling her even though, she knew she was bullying Stacey. First I thought Nikki was the bad person, but now I think Stacey is the meanest person in this movie. Because she was being kind in front of Vanessa and she was saying bad things about her when Vanessa wasn’t there.
For me, cyber bullying is nothing because I don't even care what people say about me. But if my friend did the things that happened in the movie Odd Girls Out, I would never be their friend ever again. If they keep mailing me and stuff, I would never open it so I wouldn't know. I think that Ryan commit suicide because of many other things not just only cyber bullying. If I'm Ryan, I wouldn't commit suicide because things can change.
I think that watching this movie and seeing the CNN report was worthwile because you need to know about these things, how people can be so easily affected by someones' words. Whether they mean it or not, they can still really hurt you.
For example like the movie odd girl out, all the girls were bullying Vanessa and ganging up on her because she had no one. And their actions and accusations hurt Vanessa so much she abused herself. Not only has Vanessa made herself worried and sad, but she has also made the people that do care about her worried and sad. It's a sad thing what bullying can do to you. Either if you know who the person was or not, it still hurts to know that that is what they think of you.
Like ryan; he had commited suicide because all these people were bullying him, then if not enough, cyber-bullying him. I think all this bullying made Ryan feel worthless so he had commited suicide that night, since all the hurtful words just stabbed right through his heart. It's really amazing what words can do to you, physical abuse is another. The pain will go away, but the words will always stay there, always in your memory.
Although bullying is no good, it can make you become a better person and realize who your friends really are and are not. Also, if you couldnt stand up for yourself before, maybe you could now.
Like what Vanessa did at the end of the movie, she confronted Stacey right in front of everyone. She did not care anymore; she was strong. Vanessa made Nikki scared of her, or so it seems like, by going up to Nikki and talking to her. They were all intimidated by Vanessa's actions, because she had become a stronger person than they realized she would ever be. Now, even though their words were painful, Vanessa finally made it through and gained respect from the people around her such as Tony.
I was surprised to see the news about a 13 years old committed suicide. I assumed that Ryan must have some sort of a psychological problem going on that his parents didn't took any notice of. I've heard of a similar problems with these kinds of case that the person who committed suicide was a person which nobody would ever think that he would do such things. This guy (don't know his name) was a good son who got good grades in his school, he was very happy with his life and took responsibility of all his work at home. His parents were very fond of him and decided to buy him a Playstation which he always wanted. A few month later, he committed suicide and nobody knew the reason. The psychologist assumed that the caused of his death was because of the games he were playing with his friends. I have experienced cyber bullying myself. Most of the cyber bullying that I have came across were online games sort of bully in which other players start saying bad things to you and make you feel like a complete loser. They mostly call other players 'noob' or 'gag' (in thai it means that you are trash) and makes them feel like wanting to leave. These types of bullying are not physical at all, they are psychological bullying in which they make you have a bad self esteem. Best way is to stay away from those people.
The CNN that talks about cyber bullying, I think that it is normal because it is alot. I dont see it much but I hear about it alot. What I usually see is just cyber-joke-sarcasm..which is not bullying. I dont really care what people think of me online because they are probably just playing( if they even say things about me..).I think Ryan's issue was probably really serious or either he is a very sensitive person. BUT FOR ME..I care more about what happens in real life like the movie 'Odd Girl Out.' I feel really bad for Vanessa and during the movie I had strong reactions to the movie and felt really bad for her. I think that Stacey and Nikki is not a true friend and doesn't have a heart. I am happy that Vanessa stood up forself in the END of the movie.
The movie "Odd Girl Out" and CNN report showed me how much word can hurt people. When I was watching the movie, I was shocked on how cruel and mean they were being to Vanessa. And the thing shocked me more is that there is actually people who is doing these things to others. According to CNN report, some of the vitim's friends encouraged him to commit suiside. I believe there were more bullying has done than it said on CNN report. I think bullying and cyber-bullying is one of the most cruel thing to do and we must prevent these things happen again at anywhere.
I agree with a lot of people here who is saying that the movie, "Odd Girl Out" was an eye opener. It gave me a glimpse of harmful words can be. This movie also illustrated what type of bullying teenage girls are facing. I was shocked by how cruel a girl can be to another and was amazed by how depressed people get when they are verbally harrased.
I think cyber-bullies aren't a serious problem. On the internet people usually trash talk to other people tease them because they know that they can get away with it easily, "You are like a nameless face out there." (Matt Conn) However cyber-bullying becomes a serious matter when young teens such as Ryan, take the trash talking and all that seriously. Cause now if the victim thinks what the 'bully' is serious then they may get depressed percieving that people think they are gay and hate the victim which may result in suicide.
After read this article, in my opinion, one of the greatest reason is that people fear a different person. However, there is not only problem with a person who is bullying others, but there is also a problem with a person who is being bullied. Bully means that people think one person is exactly different from them, and trying to take over them. However, in people's view, when a person looks different, it also indicates the meaning that she has a problem which people think it is strange.
At last, I find a conclusion that in this world, there are not only same people but, there is possibly different people may exist.
First of all, in health, we learn about bullying and how it hurts other people. In the movie, ‘Odd Girl Out’, I learned how bullying happens to girls. I also learned how cyber bullying happens. I first thought that cyber bullying is when friends or someone you know is hacking or stealing your data’s and giving you trouble. However, it wasn’t like that. Your so called ‘friends’ betray you and say harmful words to you that you never even imagined before. What I noticed in the movie ‘Odd Girl Out’ is that what hurts you more is that you are being bullied by someone you don’t even know. What I mean is that an anonymous person is laughing at you like they know you. How bad would that feel? You are already sad and angry about your friends and now you are being bullied by someone you don’t know? That probably would make me jump off the cliff.
“If you laugh with a bully, you are a bully.”-From health class poster
I once knew a kid that was being bullied when I was in South Korea. Koreans called this guy “Wang Dda.” Well, if you know Chinese, wang character looks like ‘王’ which means king. Dda is just a make up word to describe that you have no friends and no one wants to get along with you. When I walked across him once, I strangely felt the coldness from him and his eyes was like to kill someone.
I knew that bullying is a huge issue right now, but I didn’t think that it was that huge until I saw the movie and the report.
*Sorry I forgot about Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is a big issue now because internet connects people and you can talk to them in real time. However, this became problem because now bullies can attack (sort of) you anytime anywhere. If you are a person who stays online everyday, you could be pretty darn good target for the bullies. Oh and when Ryan’s dad said to put on the program or connect to the computer to know what is going on in the computer. I think it’s useless because I think most of the teens know how to delete and hide programs better than their parent. Unless, your parent’s job has something connected with computer programming.
After reading and watching the CNN report I felt very surprised because I would never believe that cyber bulling would result in killing yourself. I know that cyber bulling does exist but hearing the story made me open my eyes how little things and words can mean a lot more to someone. I think that the way Vanessa felt was probably the same with Ryan because he probably thought that every one hated him and he just wasn't meant to fit in. When I was in grade two I was bullied by this kid named Nick and he would always pick on me and it would never stop even though I told a teacher. when he left ISB I felt very happy. No matter where you go there is always bulling, wether or not you see it and it is hard to stop and overcome and you never know what goes on in their minds.
After reading and watching the CNN report I felt very surprised because I would never believe that cyber bulling would result in killing yourself. I know that cyber bulling does exist but hearing the story made me open my eyes how little things and words can mean a lot more to someone. I think that the way Vanessa felt was probably the same with Ryan because he probably thought that every one hated him and he just wasn't meant to fit in. When I was in grade two I was bullied by this kid named Nick and he would always pick on me and it would never stop even though I told a teacher. when he left ISB I felt very happy. No matter where you go there is always bulling, wether or not you see it and it is hard to stop and overcome and you never know what goes on in their minds.
The movie "Odd Girls Out" represents the girl perspective of bullying, not the boy perspective. But still, I found out that verbal assaults can hurt just as much as physical assault. Because I have never been bullied, I don't know how it feels to be bullied, although in Yusuke's case of bullying, it must have been kind of frightening. According to the CNN report, bullying takes place not only in our world, but it also takes place in the cyber world. Cyber bullying is an intangible type of bullying. I think you can't stop cyber bullying as easy as bullying in real life. Bullies tend to find kids who are quiet and shy to bully because they have less power over the bully. Bullies are perfidious, therefore resulting in not having friends. I think many people are futile in stopping bully incidents. So I think it's time to really care about this issue.
I agree with Pammy that this movie should be recommended for parents. Like the CNN article, I think that most parents don’t take cyber bullying seriously. Watching the movie would wake them up to the reality of the seriousness of bullies. I perceive that many bullied victims feel helpless and trapped because they don’t know who to turn to for help. Parents who watch this movie would know that they need to be there to help them in every way and try to understand how they feel. This would probably make the victims feel better because they would know that they’re not alone in the situation and they still have people that care for them.
After watching the movie “Odd Girl Out”, I wondered why people bullied others. From Myung Jin’s essay, I found out that people bullied because of fear and insecurity. For example, Stacey was frightened that Vanessa would steal Tony away form her. So, she bullied and humiliated Vanessa so much that Tony wouldn’t like her anymore. Stacey was also insecure because Vanessa was athletic, popular and smart. She was afraid that someone else would be better than her so she bullied Vanessa so that she wouldn’t be a better person than her. Vanessa was a victim because she made other people feel insecure and fearful.
After I watch the Odd Girl Out movie, I found out that there is a connection between bullying and South Africa’s apartheid law! In health class, I learned sometimes people bullies because the bully was afraid of the victim, in the Odd Girl Out movie; Nicky bullies Vanessa because she was afraid that Vanessa will steal her friend. In South Africa during Apartheid, the white bullies the black because they were afraid because they are outnumbered.
I really surprised some bad words can hurt people too much. Many people said I opened my eyes when watching "Odd Girl Out", same as me. Stacey and wannabees are so mad, however Vanessa was still believing them. I really wondered about this and why she can go to school. I think she is a brave girl because if I was in her situation, I don't want to go to school seriously. Anyway, I realized bullying is really bad, also I'm lucky because there is no bullying in our school.
I disagree with Mitchell’s comment. In our school I think there is a lot of bullying like i have noticed a lot of bullying between boy like, calling name-calling and teasing and also kicking or punching students. I also know that many people don't want to get in trouble with the school for bullying because our school takes it very seriously like suspending students or tell them to leave the school
The Odd Girl Out is a sad movie. Watching it makes me realise how nerve wrecking cyber bullying and harrasment can be. Vanessa had to face a big challenge as her former friends mentally harass her by posting rude remarks about her on websites. She then goes through an unsettling phase where she feels that she no longer has any one to rely on. Although her mother is there to support her throughout the movie Vanessa just doesnt accept the support. This movie shows that cyber bullying is worse than physical bullying and that one step too far can almost cost someones life.
I was just thinking about cyber-bullying and I just realized how common it is. I feel that a lot of people cyber-bully because it is easy and you don't have to talk to them face to face. But sometimes, I feel like sometimes when you say something but you are kidding, it could be misread as cyber-bullying. When you are chatting online with someone you are just reading words and interpreting them in your own way, you don;t hear their tone of voice or whether they are being serious, sarcastic or funny. So when you say you say something that could be easily misread as "bullying" or putting down someone you should watch out. Cyber-bullying is probably also very common because the kids who cyber-bully can use misreading their messages as an excuse when they get in trouble.
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