The Games Have Begun! Share your ideas on one or more of the following topics:
* Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
* What sports are you most interested in? Why?
* What sporting events does your home country hope to do well at?
* Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
* How much do you think commercialism (e.g. advertising) plays a part in the Olympics?
* What other controversial issues do you know that relate to the Beljing Olympics?
For example, why were there protests during the pre-Olympic torch relay?
(e.g, Check one of the mascots above.)
* Do you think technology has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics?
(e.g., Check the full body swimming suit shown above.)
* Do you think countries that do not allow women on their Olympic teams
should be banned from the games? Why or why not?
You might like to watch some of the following Olympic-related video clips and comment on them, too!
#1 The Olympic Vision & Spirit
#2 Avril Lavigne on the Olympics
#3 Sportsmanship
#4 Coming in Second and Third Place
#5 Opening Ceremony Highlights
#6 Natalie du Toit - South Africa's Olympic Swimmer with Incredible Dreams and Goals!
Right now my plan about the Olympics is watching the Israeli team all the way to the end. Why, because I'm Israeli. Even if my favorite Athletes fail I will keep on watching the different sports that are going on in the Olympics. The sport that I am the most interested in is Tennis. I like be first of all I'm a Tennis player, and second of all is that in the Israeli team there is the number three in the world in man's double.
I think having an Olympics in Beijing is great. I saw that there were a lot of athletes from china. Also I saw the President there!!!!! The sport I am looking forward to seeing is swimming. I love swimming and I think seeing the athletes swim on television could inspire me to be a better swimmer. Like for example, I heard that Michael Phelps won 2 gold medals already!!!! But I think that every country hopes to do well at least one sport. Like for USA, I think they would hope to do good at swimming and running.
How do you think technology might change the Olympics?
I think that technology might affect the Olympics because improved swim suits or special shoes may cause someone to be better at their sport then they really are. And if someone is better at a sport than someone else then the person who's not as good may win if they have a special suit or something and the person who's better doesn't.
How do you think technology might change the Olympics?
I believe that technology will affect the Olympics a lot, both positively and negatively. Technology can help improve someone’s speed, agility or balance so some people believe that it is unfair that some countries which are more technologically advanced have an advantage against the others. But really it is never fair for people to go up against each other since nobody is born the same and some people may have longer legs and others may move faster. However, if the technology the person uses helps them too much it would be like getting in a taxi when you are meant to be running a marathon. Technology will affect the Olympics very much and I think that in the future there will be some debate about the subject of technology changing the Olympics.
Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
I think that nationalism has a negative effect on the Olympics. Like most of their commercials, the Olympics are supposed to represent peace, and teamwork. If all the nations just want to win, it defeats the purpose all together. Even though nationalism brings a country closer together, but it widens the gap between countries. Also, the Olympics lean more to the create friendship type, not become rivals. However, little nationalism is acceptable, but when it gets physical and may hurt someone's feelings, that is not ok. If you want to represent your country, do so in a productive way.
The Olympics are hosted to create sportsmanship.
I really don’t care if Korea, U.S.A., Thailand, China or any other country win because the Olympic does not interest me. Why? I don’t like to go crazy for one team and not cheer the other; besides, I like to cheer both teams so that I don’t feel guilty when one of the team loses. I for one don’t like sports that much so why should I care for Olympics, although I do hope for my country to win. Because of that thought many people go too far for their country. Nationalism is not always a good thing.
I do plan to keep up with what's happening during the Olympics since I really like sports and I would like to know if China or any other countries have won any golden medals.
Also, it's fun to watch different contests going on. My favorite sports to watch are volleyball, swimming, diving...
First of all, I have watched the opening ceremony and it was great. It was very creative and the torch lighting was also original.
I am planning to keep up with what's happening during the Olympics because I want to know which country has won a medal. It's also interesting to watch the progress of games and contests.
Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the olympics?
I think nationalism has a negative effect on the olympics. The Olympics is supposed to bring representatives of countries together to compete in a friendly way. If countries start creating spaces between them and other countries, racism begins and people get hurt physically and mentally. Also cheering for all teams prevents broken hearts and a crowd full of angry people. I believe people should just change their thinking into having the best team win.
What sports are you most interested in? Why?
I am interested in many sports such as swimming, volleyball, gymnastics etc. However, basketball is one of my main Olympic interests because of the three NBA players who are very special to the team. One is the Houston Rockets basketball star Yao Ming who is 226 cm (sever foot five inch) tall, and was given the name “little giant”. The other two are Wang ZhiZhi who plays for Los Angeles Clippers and Yi Jianlian who plays for the New Jersey Nets. This year for the 2008Beijing Olympics, the three NBA stars will unite altogether once again, for the journey towards their future dreams.
I don't plan on keeping up with the Olympics because I don't normally keep up with sports. However, I do enjoy watching gymnastics once in a while so if it's on television and someone comes across it, I'll watch.
I didn't know there were countries that do not allow women onto their Olympic teams, but I think these countries should be banned or at least penalized, because everyone, male or female, deserves a chance to do themselves and their country proud.
I think technology has a positive effect on the Olympics as it helps the competitors do better, but I also feel that technology should, as much as possible, be left out, as it prevents the competitors from doing the best of their natural ability, rather than the abilities that technology allows them to have (or enhances).
What other issues do you know that relate to the Beijing Olympics?
Many issues were found in this year's Olympic Games. These issues mostly came from the host country for the Olympics this year, China. The air pollution in China caused by factory emissions and the traffics was unsuitable for the players. The other issue was the protests during the pre-Olympic torch relay. The protesters were unhappy about the Tibet affair that happened recently before the Olympics. Personally, I think that China had not done their best in preparing for the Olympics. As a host country, it was China’s responsibility to solve their conflicts with Tibet and their environmental problems for the Olympics.
Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
I will be keeping up on what’s happening during the Olympics because Olympic Games only happen every four years. It is an international event and by watching the Olympics, you can see the effort that the players from different countries had made to win in the Olympic Games. I also want to know how the players from my home country are playing.
Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
I plan on keeping up on what happens in the olympics because I'm interested in many sports and it's just fun to watch. I also want to keep up on what happens because I want to see which countries wins a medal for different sports.
I haven't been watching the olympics very often. But in all that i have seen, i think the countries are all doing a good job but unfortunatly not all countries are going to win, so i hope one of the winners is Thailand because i'm in Thailand right now and because they have good players. Thailand started relly well with the lady that won the weight lifting challenge which is not a easy one. So i hope they continue like that. Also i want Spain to win because they have good players and because i like the country.
Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
I plan on keeping up with what happens during the olympics because I'm interested in many sports and it's very fun to see different countries compete in different sports. I also plan on keeping up on what happens during the olympics because I want to see which countries wins a medal for different sports.
I'm planning to keep track of what is going on during the olympics, because it's always good to keep track of which country got the gold medal. Also I want to know how well the Japanese athletes are doing in the olympics. The sport I'm most interested in is swimming. They have the swimming suit problem, so I want to see how all of the athletes do in their races.
Unbelieveable. Stunning. Those were the two words in my mind along with a "How did they do that??" during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Beijing. China performed very well to show the world what it is capable of. I liked the performance right from the start; the fancy drumming for the countdown. The torch lighting was also very creatively thought. Overall, I think it was a great performance.
I love sports and it would be very much a surprise if I didn't watch the Olympics. I watch it so that I could cheer for my country, Thailand. So far we have won one gold but I hope we could get more in the following days. Of course, since I'm a Thai, the sport that I'm looking forward to the most is boxing, but I also watch basketball, soccer and swimming.
I have always been a fan of sports in general and like to be aware of the major sport events going on in the world. I think the Olympics is a great platform for countries and athletes to come out and showcase their talent and skill. Although my favorite sports like soccer and tennis are not a major part of the Olympics, I still plan to follow the events. I will be cheering on my country, although I think that too much nationalism is not good, because the Olympics are all about countries coming together to share their skills, not creating gaps. On Monday, India's Abhinav Bindra won a gold medal in shooting. Although India has many won gold medals in field hockey before, this was the first gold in an individual event. That is why this was quite a big thing. I saw thousands of people celebrating after the win. It is really amazing to see such a huge impact from a single medal. Cricket, by far, is the most popular sport in India. Other sports are not given much attention at all. So I hope this shifts the people's attention away to other sports besides cricket.
Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
I think nationalism has a negative effect on the Olympics because it makes the competitors to be more competitive and make them want to beat another, when they are suppose to be trying to win in a peaceful way with sportsmanship. Also, during the Olympic Games, like what Mr. Kenny said, I saw often huge amount of cheering, actually too much from big countries like America. I realized that it was actually a big problem because then other small countries are going to be offended. In conclusion, during the Olympics little nationalism is needed but there shouldn’t be too much of it.
Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
I think that nationalism has a negative effect on the olympics because the Olympics are supposed to represent friendship and peace. Right now, I think all of China are showing how good they are just so that the whole world can see that they have come a long way. I think by doing that they are not really representing what the Olympic is supposed to represent. Even though sometimes nationalism is a good thing because it might unite a country, it might look like that country doesn't really care about other countries and there feelings.
First of all, I am planning to check Olympics very often. It is a event every 4 years. It would be very rare to see so many atheletes in the same place if it wasn't Olympics.
I am hoping for Korea to win. Because obviously, I'm Korean. And Korean athletes are really excellent in Taekwondo, and archery, so I like watching these sports. I saw Korea has improved a lot in swimming also. I do hope a lot to Korean athletes, but I wish all of the other countries the best. I hope Olympics ends without any problems with anything.
The Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony was very grand and attractive. I will certainly plan to keep up with the events for all the countries, especially Thailand, my home country because I am eager to know how many medals we have won and to see which sports Thailand does well at. I think the well-known sport of Thailand is boxing. The sport that I have the most interest in is badminton since it is one of my favorite sports and I think that Thailand is also good at it. So for Olympics this year, I hope every country will do well and be successful.
Many people said that the opening ceremony was the best ever! China spent a lot of money for the opening ceremony. After the great performance was the parade of nations. Taiwan, my home country, carried the flag that has "Chinese Taipei" on it. I don't think this will affect much to the Taiwanese atheletes. In my home country, baseball is the most popular sports. We also like tennis because the Taiwanese tennis player is now the best in Asia.
How much do you think commercialism plays a part in the Olympics?
I think advertising plays a very important part in the Olympics because the commercials make people want to watch the Olympics because they realize how cool the Olympics is. I heard that China spends almost a million dollars just to make a commercial. That means that the commercial must be really good and interesting. Also, if people see a picture or a commercial about a famous athlete, they might want to watch the Olympics because they know the athlete and they would want to watch the athlete.
It is good to have nationalism because it means that you love your country. But I think nationalism has a negative effect on the Olympics. The audiences only whishes their country to win the game and sometimes when the other team is winning, they interrupt the game by yelling at the athletics.
Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
I've been watching the Olympics Game on the television everyday since August the 8th. I think the it is very interesting and exciting to watch your country compete with other countries. So far, Thailand had won one gold medal from weight-lifting, I hope that other athlete from Thailand would do well and win another medal for the country.
I'm planning to check Olympics by internet and chatting with my friends. Because if I missed the games I can see the games by internet and also my friends only talked about Olympics recently.
Also, I am most interested in swimming. Because this is the first time that Korea got the gold medal for swimming and also all the Korean people pay attention to Korean swimming athlete who got the gold medal. I'm so proud of all the Korean athletes and I hope all the countries will do well.
The Beijing Olympics opening ceremony was truly spectacular. In my opinion, it was by far the grandest and most impressive Olympics opening ceremony I have seen. I will surely plan to keep up on what is happening during the Olympics; it only takes place once every four years and it would be a regret to miss it. I also watch the Olympics to see athletes from many different countries come to compete in the sporting events and also to cheer for my home country, Thailand. We have won a gold medal in women's weightlifting and I hope our athletes will earn more medals during the next sporting events. Every competitor is talented and skillful, and every country should be very proud of their athletes.
The 2008 beijing olympics have amazed avaryone.Wheteher its certain countries winning their first glod medals or just the stadium ad the arangements. The chinese have outdone themselves, they spent $1.8 billion on reconstruction and make traffic rules where carswith odd numbered numbered plates were only allowed out on odd dates. Most of the world leaders attended part of the olympics even the French President who had earlier threatened to boycot the olympics because of the situation in Tibet.The tobet controversies is one of the few. These include how during the opening ceremony, the 9 year old girl from china who was singing a solo, was actually lip singing and was put on stage because she was extremely cute. But china has impressed evryone in sports and in preparation.
The Games Have Begun! Share your ideas on one or more of the following topics:
* Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
I am a big fan of the Olympic Games ever since I learned what they were. I love watching different sports that aren’t the normal soccer or basketball. I think the Olympics is a great way for people to learn about different sports and I also think that the Olympics inspire children, so therefore get more people involved in athletics. I also think its great how they are just competing to see who is best, not for a prize (money), but instead for honor and respect.
* What sports are you most interested in? Why?
The sports I am most interested in are Gymnastics, Track and Field, Diving and Equestrian sports. I like to watch the Gymnastics because it really amazes me how they do all the tricks and how they do it successfully. I like to watch T&F because it is something I am interested in and I like to see them accomplish amazing things. I also like to watch Diving (synchronized particularly) because it shows great teamwork and I love to see the tricks they can do. My favorite to watch is Equestrian sports (dressage, show jumping and cross country the most) because I horse-back ride and love it. I like to look up to the athletes and I also love to see them in action in their horse.
* What sporting events does your home country hope to do well at?
The British team is best at Marathons, Cycling, Rowing, Athletics and Equestrian sports. So Far they have a bronze medal in Equestrian and are hoping to win more medals in the other events.
* Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
I think that nationalism has a positive effect on the Olympics because for example if a country competes against another country who is their enemy, they don’t physically fight and they have respect for each other no matter how much they hate each other. Though the other day I read a newspaper article about people from different nationalities competing for other countries, and I heard that a concern with that was that a government could ‘buy’ a competitor so that they would compete for their country. I think this is a big problem because then the rich countries could buy all the best competitors.
* How much do you think commercialism (e.g. advertising) plays a part in the Olympics?
I think that commercialism plays a huge part in the Olympics because it promotes both the host country and sports equipment and clothes. I do not think though that it is an issue because people can either choose to listen and believe in it or not.
* What other controversial issues do you know that relate to the Beljing Olympics?
I do not know a lot of controversial issues about the Olympics except for Iraq not being able to participate but then being allowed (which I think is great) and I also know about environmental concerns and pollution. I heard that some athletes are concerned about the pollution and air quality in china.
* Do you think technology has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics?
I think that technology has both a positive and negative impact on the Olympics. I think it is a good thing because it can improve the athletes’ performances; when I was watching the Olympics this year I kept hearing Olympic Record and World Record in all the results. I do not know if that is because of the technology increase but I do know that in the past four years technology has been used more and more to analyze athletes’ performances. I also think that technology could be a bad thing because countries like the U.S. and Great Britain can afford the best of the best technology, but other poorer countries cannot afford the best technology, and so therefore it’s not completely fair.
* Do you think countries that do not allow women on their Olympic teams
should be banned from the games? Why or why not?
I think that countries that do not allow women on their Olympic teams
should not be banned from the Olympics, but other countries and organizers should talk to them and protest against the discrimination against women.
Overall I think these Beijing Olympic Games will always be remembered.
Alex L- I couldn't watch the olympics because my TV doesn't have UBC but I keep continuing to watch them on computer such as youtube. Cool that Korean guy won the gold medal in swimming!
I do plan on keeping up on what is happening in the Olympics because I enjoy watching sporting events. I was also watching it because of Michael Phelps, he got 8 gold medals in a single Olympics!
I am most interested in Track & field because I just want to see people run really fast or jump really far. I don't enjoy watching diving or team sports like basketball or baseball. I find them too boring to watch, I like to watch events where world records can be broken.
My relatives in the U.S.A. are hoping that the basketball team will win because there are many of the best players in the world on that team.
I think that technology has a big difference in the Olympics. For example, full body swimming suits are now made more arrow dynamic than in the past, this could make a swimmer go faster. People have different opinions on whether this has a positive or negative impact.
I think that women should be allowed on Olympic teams and countries that don't allow them should be limited to a certain amount of events, not banned but don't get to compete in all they events they wanted to compete in.
Kevin Lim
I really enjoy Olymphis becausse I really like some of te sports they have in Olymphics. My favorite sport is basketbal. USA is doing great in basketball while China lost to straight games in a row. Yao Ming, a famous Chinese bsketball player mentioned that China is aiming for at least 6th place in 2008 Olympics. However, by looking at the Chinese team play, it would be hard for them to achieve their goal. In other hand, Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, won six gold medals in swimming and set a lot of world records. Because this 2008 Olympics have great athletes such ad Kobe Byant, Lebron James, Michael Phelps, Yao Ming, Pau Gasol, Messi, and Dirk Nowitzki, I think this Olympics will be a great one.
Sorry for posting it late.
Kevin Lim
The 2008 Olymphics would be great becaue there are a lot of famous atheletes such as Lebrn James, Messi, Kobe Braynt, Michael Phelps, and Yao Min. My favorite Olypic sports is basketball. I really enjoy watching basketball becase it givs me enthusiasm to play basketball better in my real life. I basketball, the American dream team is doing great with their all- star players. While in other hand, Chinese basketball team isn't doing so great as I expected. They lost two games in a row and it would behard for them to be in top five if they lose their next game. Also Michael Phelps from USA is doing great by winning six gold medals and setting a lot of world records. Because of the Chinese people's spirit of the Olympics, I think this Olympics will be great.
I'm cheering for my counntry, Korea, which is in 4th place. I am very proud of my country's performance becase even with very small population, my country is doig great. Because of the cheers of he Chinese, I think China will win the Olympics. However, there are many competitions out there because many countries want to win the Olympics.
I think that one of the major problems in the Olympics is unfair judging. This is a problem because if the judges are being unfair then it could change the layout of the while Olympics. I think that this is happening because Chin and Russia keep getting high scores in diving even though they are not very good in those events. I also think this because A couple of Olympics ago Russia and France cheated and they got caught. Another problem, in my opinion, is new technology. This is a problem because in previous Olympics athletes did not have the same equipment as athletes today thus giving modern athletes a slight advantage. This makes our world records a little bit unfair.
I am very interested in swimming and track and field because those two events are two main events are not oftenly shown during the years between the 4 year period of the olympics. I also enjoy watching these 2 sports because I swim and I also run.I enjoy the other sports like voleyball, diving. I am not really interested in events like baseketall or baseball because I can watch that any other time other than the Olympics
I found one controversy that nobody may have known. the Olympic Comittee restricted Robert Mugabe from going to the Olympic Ceremony. Robert Mugabe is the recent president of Zimbabwe. The reason Robert was not allowed was because the Chinese do not agree with Mugabe's actions towards his people. I agree with china's answer because Robert is like a dictator within his country and he doesn't allow free rights for his people.
Nationalism can have a bad and good effect on the Olympics. The good effect brings on support and confidence towards the athletes which can probably be a legal aid to the athletes performance. When I say legal, an illegal aid would be something like steroids. Sometimes nationalism can get out of hand. At times the nationalism gets to the point where the country starts to mention other countries and at times criticize3 those conutries even though its not even necessary. A little nationalism is not as bad as ultranationalism. This can't stop you from cheering your home country. Just don't get way too out of hand.
Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
After watching multiply Olympic events i think that nationalism has both a positive and a negative effect. It has a positive effect becuase it is showing that you are true to your country, but i think that sometimes nationalism can be taken to the extreme. Even if your country loses you should still have good sportsmen ship. The Olympics are not all about winning or loseing.
i think that the olympic swim suit controversy isnt really really a controversy becasue i believe that if the swimmer can pay for the suit and can swim, then they have the complete athority to wear it. Although some people may think that this is cheating as it is siad that the suit will make you swim faster. But this is just my opinion as i dont believe that using this swim suit would be a form of cheating.
i think that the Olympic athletes should all be wearing the same uniform for each sport. for example, swimming. Micheal Phelps just won by 0.01 seconds if they were all wearing the same swim suit he might not have won.
I am not interested to watch Olympic games. It is because I think other thing like global warmin or rising of cost... are more important that a games and I think I have to keep watching and thinking about it.
I was unsatisfied about the beijing olympic ceremony. The olympic ceremony was unsatisfying because China is a country that has a high population, and thus, I thought it was going to be based on the popuation. However, the ceremony was very unexpected for me. Eventhough the beginning started out great, it was dull because it was going on and on.
At first I wasn't really interested in Olympics. But when I heard that we were in the second place on the first day I started to have hope. At the beginning of the Olympic there was lots of events that our country was good at such as archery. And the most special thing that happened on Olympic was that we had a gold medal on swimming. The athlete is only 19 years old. I had never thought that our country would gain a gold medal on swimming because we never did so it was a surprise to the Koreans. From this event I began to have interest in Olympics and especially swimming.
Do you think countries that do not allow women on their Olympic teams
should be banned from the games? Why or why not?
I think that they should be banned because if one of the woman player is better then male they should put her. The reason for that is because the olympics teams goal is to win and if they get all sexsest about it then we shouldn't let them in the olympics.
Hello, Mr. Kenney. I have snuck back into your blog, I do hope you don't mind. I am glad to see that you have kept the address faithful to Mr. Berkhout. I would like to thank you for providing the clips that you have, as the coverage of the Olympics in Thailand is minimal and, in my opinion, quite disappointing. I could go on and on about the topics that you have provided, but I shall limit my words by saying that nationalism is something that I usually object to, but I do feel that a little pride in one's country is enough to provide a friendly competetive spirit at the Olympics, as there should be. In all honesty, I do not follow the Olympics at all. Life in the High School is much more exciting to me... I just hope that your students will enjoy 8th Grade as much as I did, and with you as their teacher I can't imagine that as being far-fetched.
Robin - glad to hear that Grade 9 is even more exciting than the Olympics! Feel free to 'sneak' into our blog. It would be great to see your takes (aka, perspectives) on any posting you care to join in!
I think this year the Olympic was not fair. there were so many controversies. I hope there will be no controversies next 4 years.
What are some of the products you have bought recently - clothing, tech. devices, cosmetics, etc.?
The last product that I bought (other than food) was an ISB sweatshirt for OS at the ISB booster hut last friday. Before I bought the sweatshirt, I bought a Seventeen magazine at Villa.
Are there any products you strongly recommend others to buy or not buy?
Most products that I have bought are because they have been recommended to me by friends or I have had to buy them for OS. I do not like to spend money so I do not buy much other than what is mandatory. In other words, I'm really 'tight' with my money. Though, if you have not got an Ipod/MP3, then I recommend that - they are great for listening to when going to sleep, doing work and other stuff like that and its really easy to work. I also love to buy clothes at MBK because they are cheap (yay), and they are not that bad in quality. I also recommend the brand of shoe - Birkenstock. They are SO comfortable and are really good for your feet, even thought they are quite expensive (in my eyes). Something that i do not recommend is the plastic pencil cases at emporium, this is because I bought one for 8th grade and its broken already!
You can also post your ideas about consumerism in general; for example:
Favorite places to shop in Bangkok
I like
MBK and
Central (expensive though)
Getting caught up in materialism
I think that many wealthy people, like ourselves, can get caught up in materialism. We can easily get obsessed with getting phones, Ipods, clothes and shoes. The Materialism Cycle can be quite vicious if its not stopped because it goes around and around. I think that we should all learn to appreciate what we have and we should try to stop competing with each other by not thinking - I have to get a new phone, like ... "
Advertising techniques
Some advertising technics that companies use is aimed at portraying power, money or something funny.
Ideas for 'ethical consumerism.'
I'm not sure what this means, but I'm guessing that it means something to do with buying something because of where it comes from. I do not really look at where a product is from, so I can not really relate to this question.
Over all I think that consumerism is a very important unit that needs to be studied carefully.
Do you think countries that do not allow women on their Olympic teams
should be banned from the games? Why or why not?
I think that they should be banned because if one of the woman players is better then male they should put her. The reason for that is because the Olympics teams’ goal is to win and if they get all angry about it then we shouldn't let them in the Olympics.
I don’t plan to look at the Olympics because I think it is very boring it takes all the channels and I can't see anything alse. The sport I like the most in the Olympic is swimming because that the only thing I saw... Israel do very good at surfing that is the event we got the most medals in…I think that the problem with Beljing is that for the Olympics the chaises government destroyed the city and that’s very mean.
I think that they make such a big deal about the Olympics which only lasts for few days. I am planning to watch volleyball as it is one of my favorite sports and it’s full of action in the game and it never gets boring. The good thing is that I haven’t heard any controversies about volleyball so I know that it is a “clean” game. I don’t really support any countries because I don’t know which are good so I just watch it for pleasure.
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