Now that you have read Chapters 24 - 27, what are your thoughts on the conclusion to the story?
First tell us what you think actually happens at the end of the story.
Then get down your reactions to the ending of the story. You can also include your ideas on symbolism, theme, writer's style, and personal connections you can make with the story's ending. Remember to include your name that we know so that we can refer to each other's comments.
Referring to page 91 as the last page, my opinion related to the pilot's last thought is that sooner or later the sheep will eat the flower, but the little prince shall just have to live with it. I think it would be interesting to see people's reactions years later, especially after reading the last sentence: "And no grown-up will ever understand the significance of this." I don't think that this is necessarily true in all cases, but children certainly have different views compared to adults. I believe that it is a good idea if one reads The Little Prince as a child, even if they do not comprehend the metaphors and morals, and then re-read it. It is surprisingly relevant to our lives although it was written before our generation. Admittedly, when I first saw the book I could see that it was short and had pictures, which wasn't very promising. It's quality just goes to show that a book does not need to be lengthy to convey deep moral opinions. All in all, a very good read.
At the end of the story I think that one of these three things happens: the little prince dies and goes to explore the universe; or, his soul returns to his planet and his body is re-created; or, he becomes part of the stars in our large universe. I’m not quite sure why the author decided to kill or put to sleep the little prince but maybe it was just his way of saying that the little prince had too many ideas and things to do which could not all be done in his body.
AT the last of the story the little prince pass out by a snake poison. The ending of the story was random. I always wanted to knwo how he came to the planet but by seeing the ending of the litle prince. i thought from that momment why did the author choose the snake. which snake is represented to be a deadly animal. i wasnt able to understand the symbolism in the tje little prince
I believe the Little Prince poisoned himself with the snake so his spirit can travel back to his home where his flower is. When the pilot realised that he had forgotten to draw a strap on the sheeps muzzle I thought the Little Prince would have been able to protect his flower because he loved his flower so much he would go to huge limits to protect it. This book seems like it is written in a childs view but also very interesting for older people. This is a good read for a little kid who may not understand the metaphors and symbolism (like robin said) but can still find truth in it. An adult can still read this and interpret it at a higher level. I really liked this book, the ending reminded me of my Paul Gilbert guitar, because when ever I look at my Paul Gilbert guitar I think of Paul Gilbert. Just like when the pilot looks up at the stars it reminds him of the Little Prince. Very good book.
I think that the end of the story was quite confusing. I think when the little prience went away from the pilot, I thought that he was about dead because of the poison of the snake. At the end of this story the pilot was talking about very strange experience with the little prince. I don't know why did the author decided to do that.
I wonder if he lost his body or he went back to his planet and regained his body in the Earth again.
I think the sheep he brought back to his planet might eat his flower. Because that's the nature of sheep. And if the little prince lost his body, he can't protect the flower from the sheep.
After reading the final chapters I realized that these final chapters are an allegory about dealing with the death of a loved one. The narrator knows the prince made it back to his planet because the morning after the snake bit the little prince; he could not find the prince’s body. In addition, the narrator presents the same illustration of the desert landscape he presented in his final chapter, only he leaves out the prince. He calls his final picture the saddest and loveliest landscape in the world. I liked how the author interacts with the reader because he asks us to keep an eye out for this landscape if we are ever in the Sahara and to linger under the stars for a while if we do see it, therefore asks us to lessen his sadness by sending immediate word if we happen to meet the little prince.
The narrator worries, however, since he forgot to draw a strap on the sheep’s muzzle, which means the sheep may eat the rose. He sometimes reassures himself that the little prince would never let such a thing happen, but in the other hand he thinks that accidents can happen. When he looks up at the sky, he questions himself whether the sheep has eaten the rose or not. He admits that his emotions are a puzzle, as they certainly are for all of us who also loved the little prince. I think this relates to my life because sometimes emotions are a puzzle, therefore you can’t tell how you are feeling. I think this book is an out of the ordinary book to read.
The pilot forgot give the little prince to muzzle but, it is not mistakes. I thought pilot made that plan. Then he did it. If the little prince forgot the pilot, then the little prince care to his flower, then always his sheep go to his flower place. At this time, sheep will bite his flower, so the little prince always watch out his flower. Then the little prince will think the pilot made mistakes. So it always remind each other. It is a medicine of them.
Pammy Said:
Once again, I agree with Paddy. I think the Little Prince had asked the snake to poison his body so The Little Prince can leave without a hassle. On page 87, The Little Prince says,"I shall seem to be dead and it will not be true...You understand....It is too far. I cannot take this body along with me. It is too heavy". I think The Little Prince is more like a soul than a person. He is a soul that used a body to enter the earth. After he is done with what he came to earth to find, he must dispose of his body because it would be much too lanky and it would be difficult for him to hold on to it until he reaches his planet.
As for the pilot, I think he would never forget The Little Prince. The Little Prince was the one who tamed the pilot, and one shall never forget the one that once tamed them. By sharing his experiences with the pilot, The Little Prince taught him a lot of things about life, love and loss. For example, The Little Prince taught the pilot that one abundant thing could still be the most precious and unique thing too. This is because once you took responsibility for it and you spend your time with it, it will make the thing feel special to you. Even as time goes by and you lose the thing you care about most, the memory would always last because no matter what happens, you will always be responsible for it.
For example, to me or anyone else in the world, your dog might be like any other cute dog. But to you, it will always be YOUR dog, the one you looked out for and the one you love. The dog has suddenly become important and significant to you because you own responsibilty for it. Just like The Little Prince and his rose. Or the pilot and the Little Prince.
In the end the pilot would get over his grief about The Little Prince leaving and every time he looks at the stars, he would always remember The Little Prince's distinctive laugh and cherish the memory forever.
I agree with mathias thought, i also think that maybe the little prince's soul became a star and he is laughing with the pilot every time he looks up. And about the flower who knows what happend to eat, maybe it died maybe its still there with the little prince, i think this last part makes a connection with his jewish friend that dissapeared, the author will never know where he went or if he is alive or dead, but when he looks up at the stars he will be happy to know that once he was his friend.
I was trying to find a single sentence saying something like "the snake bit the little prince" but could not find it. I was confused whether the snake did get to bite the little prince at all. Maybe it bit the little prince before the pilot arrived or the pilot came to scare the snake away in time. Either way I concluded that the little prince was sent back to his planet. The ending was quite sad because it was like he died.
At the conclusion of the little prince story I thought the ending was little bit sad and confusing. Because end of this book the little prince went back to his planet and the pilot miss the little prince very much so he look at the stars and imagine what he is doing now and worry about the rose, because he think that the sheep might ate the rose. While I was reading the book when the little prince was talking to someone I thought he is practicing himself about when he leaves what he is going to say to the pilot, But that was yellow snake so I worry about the little prince because the snake could kill people in thirty seconds. I think this book was good and fun to read.
I agree with Paddy that the little prince let the snake poison him so that his soul could travel back to his planet where he can take care of his flower. On page 87 the little prince said “I shall seem to be dead and it will not be true...You understand....It is too far. I cannot take this body along with me. It is too heavy”. So, I believe that the little prince couldn’t find a way to return to his planet so he decided that dying would be the solution because he believes that his soul could return to his planet. Also, when he said “I shall seem to be dead and it will not be true”, I think that he meant that his body might be dead by his soul would still live on. I also think that he meant that he would still live on in the pilot’s heart because he tamed him. So, whenever the pilot looks at the stars, they laugh, which reminds the pilot of the little prince. This is like how the fox will remember the prince by looking at the yellow corn field.
I think that the writer’s style in writing this book is really unique and interesting because the ending could have a lot of possibilities. People will have different perceptions of what happened to the little prince based on how they interpret the book.
The little prince's ending was little confusing, but I think when the little prince leave his planet and the rose, he was turning to be glown ups. but he didn;t regonize his self. when he was meeting different people in different planet he was learning lots of things and he was turning to be grown ups, but at the end he wanted to protect the rose, but he lost his body, I think he went back to his planet and protecting his rose*^0^*
I agree with pammy's idea of the little prince being more of a soul than an actual person. Since he can talk to all organisms so he would have to umderstand all languages even animal languages. Since no actual person can have this ability i assume that he is actual living person.
As for the pilot he would never forget the little prince. Since the little prince tamed him ( Creating ties .) He can always look up at the stars and he would remember the little prince's smiling faces. And as for the body of the little prince he has to leave it on earth because the body he used to enter the earth was not of his own so he wouldn't be able to take it back with him. He has to go back to his planet because he has to go back to take care of his flower.
The conclusion was quite sad for me. This is because the little prince had to go back to his planet leaving the pilot all alone. The little prince had to leave his body on Earth because it was too heavy to carry it back and it would slow him down. Since he already tamed the rose, he has high responsibility for it. This means he has to get to his planet as soon as possible.
Even though the little prince had left the pilot on Earth, the pilot would never forget tlp. By looking at stars in the sky, it would remind the pilot of the little prince.
I really enjoyed the ending of how the author made a flashback. At the very last sentence on p.91 he mentioned that grown ups will never understand.
One thing I like about this ending is that the author left the readers with a question. The author wanted to conclude all the hidden messages for the reader in the last page of this particular book. This mystery cannot be answered by grown-ups but they are for people who understand the little prince and his magnificent life.
People who understand essential things with their heart…
The ending seemed like it wasn't the actual ending of TLP. I think there are more stories to tell, but the auther didn't write anymore of the story. I think the auther wants us to think about the ending with our own imaginations. There are numerous messages and symbols in the story which would be really hard to understand fully.
I'm not actually sure why it's always the grown up who does not understand. Everyone becomes a grown up later. Which makes the little prince become an adult too. I don't this it's the grown ups who do not understand, it's the part where grown ups teach you one way. Like the pilot in the story he only learned grammar, navigation, and so on. Even though you learn a lesson from anything, all people do not think as adults. On the ending, p 91 the author told that no grown ups will ever understand. I think that is not true.
I think that at the end of the story, the “flash around the [prince’s] ankle” is clearly the snake biting him, poisoning him, and eventually, the prince “dies”. But I think that this symbolizes something else. The manner in which the prince departs (as in the way) suggests that dying is not the end of us; rather, we are reincarnated from wherever we truly come from. I base this on the part when the snake is first introduced, when he says “‘I can return you to wherever you came from……. But you are made of purer stuff….. You are from a star’ ”. It also makes other things blatantly obvious. For example, why did the prince ask the pilot to draw a sheep, when he ends up leaving the paper and his body behind? On the other hand, it leaves some other things open. What happens to the little prince? Added with the last comment (“grown-ups will never understand this”), I think that there are many ways to think about how this tale ends. All we know is that it leaves the pages of the story with the “death” (for he obviously doesn’t REALLY die) of the prince. The rest is up to the readers and their perceptions.
After finishing this very complex but interesting book i still have one question that i cannot find the answer to. If the little prince had to die to get back to his own planet then is this how he got to earth and all other planets. And maybe tlp never got back to his own planet, maybe he just wanted to die. i find this book very perplexing but at the same time a lot of the things make sense. Although i cannot find the true meaning of this very philosophical book i am sure there is a very good reason the author wrote it. I have to say i thought the book was good, but not my kind of style.
The little prince has a really twisted ending.He allow himself to be bit by a very poisonous snake. He reminds the pilot of his laughter and suggests that whenever the pilot looks up at the stars, he remembers the laughter. This might have been a good ending, but the author drew a sheep for the Little Prince with a muzzle that could fall off. If the muzzle came off, the Little Prince would be sad, because the sheep could eat his only flower. The book ends with the statement that no grown-up will understand this story.
I agree with both Pammy and Paddy. I believe that the little prince is more of a soul than a body and that he did ask the snake to poison him so he could return to his home planet. I think the little prince continues to live on his small planet taking care that his sheep does not kill his flower. I found the idea of how the little prince tells the pilot to think of him laughing when looking at the stars very touching and cute. From now on the pilot will be happy and think of the little prince when he looks at the stars. I think this book has many different meanings and we can not really know what the author was trying to say. I enjoyed this book but it makes me wonder what the author was trying to tell us when he wrote the book.
I think the conclusion of the book named “The little Prince” is quite sad and confusing. I agree with Geegee that the little prince let the snake poison him so he can travel back to his planet by his soul. On page 87, the little prince said “I shall seem to be dead and it will not be true...You understand...It is too far. I cannot take this body along with me. It is too heavy”. I think the little prince chose to go back to his planet with his soul because he wanted to stay in the pilot’s heart which whom he valued and tamed him. As the secret that he remembered from the fox about taming, the more you spend time with something, the more you see its values. So, whenever the pilot looks at the stars, they laugh which remind the pilot of the little prince as same as the corn field remind the fox of the little prince. I think that the conclusion of this story depends on what the readers believe but I believe that when the little prince reach his planet, he will take the best care of his flower because he values his flower as unique for him.
I like the imagination of Antoine de Saint-Exupery who wrote “The little Prince” because he shows a different point of view on writing. He always has a hiding quote that wants us to think along and the quote also can use to guide our life in a good way. I like the way that the author end the book because he let us imagine the way it end with our believed and perspective.
I thought that the conclusion of the book would show obvious resolutions, but the author chose to leave the conclusion questionable so readers can think deeply as well as guessing the conclusion of the book. I thought for a long time but i still couldn't draw my own conclusion for the book. However, i am sure that the Little Prince wasn't scared of dying. He believed that dying isn't the end of his life, he would be still in the heart of the pilot and he would stay with his flower anywhere. Still, I wonder what the author was aiming.
I think TLP died to get back to his planet but he also leave some stories to the pilot, the pilot is like the fox because he got tamed and loved by TLP, the fox can remember TLP by looking at the wheat’s so he remembered the golden hair of TLP, The pilot can remember the little prince by looking at the stars. The star is like TLP's rose which is like the other rose but he loved it so it is unique, like the pilot loving TLP so he will see that 1 star which is like the other but unique that is where TLP is living. This story in my perception is like thinking of the past if you loved them or they are special to you, you know that they are somewhere not far like in the sky or the wheat's but they will always stay in your heart.
At the end of the story was basely giving you the infinite space of imagination. As the conclusion narrated, it described about the situation of the little prince, which was badly enough as if he’s going to die; however, at the very last it just informed that the little prince disappeared abruptly. Therefore, it had created the mystery of his present.
Occurring to the ending, the narration was quite negative; so most of people thought the little prince dead. But if you think positively, he might return to his planet safely by the invisible way. Therefore, as I mention, it depends on you perspective.
I agree with paddy that the Little Prince let the snake poison him so he can travel to his planet by his soul. There were two things that led me to this conclusion. One, the Little Prince asked the snake if its poison was good or not. The second reason was on page 87, the little prince said “I shall seem to be dead and it will not be true...You understand...It is too far. I cannot take this body along with me. It is too heavy”.
Overall, I think that this was a good read. At first, this book didn't look too promising. It was thin and full of pictures. I had to admit, I thought that this will be a book for a 6th grader. However, upon finishing the book, my perception towards this book completely changed. This was a book full of metaphors and morals. But what I found most interesting about this book is that it was written way before any of us were born, yet it is suprisingly relevant to our lives.
I observed this conclusion with my bit of interest of translating people's thought(symbol), especially this story's symbol indicate the deep meaing of life and it is also connect with my favorite part, which is a philosophical.
First, I would like to translate the meaning of death. I read people's comments before I mentioned this quote, some of them have creative thought to mentioned about this conclusion that prince's death is not an end of his life. What is death? When our body become cold and fell a deep sleep without breathing, is that a death? For scientific meaning, it is quite right. Chines philosopher Chuang tzu. translate the death as a another way of life. But this story mentioned the death in different ways. It is not religious and metaphisical. It is a symbol of friendship. Author indicate the death by his own sight, connect this to a friendship, what is a death? I assume(even though this is not a right theory in meaning of philosophical and scientific but in people's mind), the real death is that when someone's memory completely forget from our mind.
His body completely posined by snake and he fell down to return to his flower. His souls still remain. His love will forever remain for flower and he won't die.
For pilot, prince will never die. Because they already grown their deep friendship and for each of their heart, the memory of them will remain forever. Pammy's idea and mine are almost same theory to translate this story. At last part, prince gave a precious gift to pilot, which is stars. I guess stars are prince's gift to remeber him as a tame thing. Pilot will looked up the stars and it will remind him of little prince.
I think that eventually, there will come a time that the flower will let itself be eaten by the sheep, but it won't be too soon. Either than that, it will wilt, grow old, and die. It's just all in a matter of time, because flowers are ephemeral.
I thought that it was a good ending, but a little bit disappointing. I personally don't like stories with endings that seems like it can stretch out as far as your imagination can. But then again, I'd also like to see endings in my way of how it may, or should be.
The Little Prince would probably be up there on his star with his sheep and his flower looking down or up to the pilot. However, even though he can not take his body up to his star with him, his soul will still be there, watching over his flower and his sheep.
By having responsibility it can keep you away from things that pleasure you. As for the little prince he has responsibility for the rose making him have to go back to his planet to take care of the rose. He can’t go out exploring since he has to go back and take care of the rose which is a metaphor that sometimes you must put your responsibility before pleasures and needs.
The conclusion of this story was quite weird. It was too difficult to understand for me but I want to comment what I am thinking about the end. When the little prince disappears instantly away from the pilot I thought the little prince was almost dead because of the poison that is from the snake. I felt the pilot was struck dumb with astonishment about the disappearance of the little prince. If I was in the story I would remain standing for a long time. I noticed from this book that breaking up with best friends are hard to do.
The end of this story the pilot was talking about after that very strange experience with the little prince. The last picture of the landscape was very impressive to me. The content of the picture is only one star and sand hill. From this picture I think we can create any kinds of infinite imaginations.
The conclusion of this story is that the little prince dies because of the snake's poison and returns to his planet. The pilot is greatly affected by this because they are the same people. THe little prince is when the author was a young child and the pilot is when the author became an aduly. Since the little died and left the pilot, the pilot feels very sad and that a part of him went with the little prince. So when you grow up, you lose some of your priveleges of being a child and when you fully become an adult, you must learn to suppore yourself and the people you love. (Thats why you are sent to school..)
The conclusion of the story is very sad and too diffucult to understand because the little princ fell down, but we don't know what happened to him. I think he went back to his planet because he wanted to go back. Also he went back to his planet to take care of the rose. I think the author wants to tell us how important it is to love someone or something.
While reading the ending of the little prince, I noticed that the author was stating the moral, which is continually stated throughout the story. Which was 'you must not look with the eyes, you must look with the heart.' I felt this was the moral of the story, and was the author main point throughout.
I think the end of this story is like thought-provoking and the author tried to make us intrigue. and from that his(the author's) plan, we can discuss about the little prince is alive or dead. And i didn't discuss with no one but i thought my self mentally. And my consequence was that the little prince is die. WHY? because i think that the little prince was driven to despair. because he thought that he doesn't reponsible to the flower,rose. but also he doesn't wanna show to the pilot he's dying. so he said to the pilot i'm just look like dying now...so don't come to me. so he doesn't want to show that he's dying but we can see his dead.
I think the departure of the little prince shows how the author views death. He is trying to tell us death is nothing but leaving to a new planet and we should not worry about it.
I think that the ending to The Little Prince could go many different ways. It is a very thought provoking part of the story. From the words written by the author I think that the prince's soul first returned to the planet then his body followed. This was why they could not find his body in the sand. Also from what the author wrote you have to assume that the prince is still alive even though it sounded like he died. The author wrote "I shall seem to very sick. I shall even seem to be dying." However since it was the little prince would said it he might have said it to tell the aviator not to worry. But the likely of that is very little.
I was confused when I finish reading to the end of “The Little Prince” because I could not understand the conclusion if The Little Prince was dead or came back to his planet far from the earth. But I could learn a lot of things, for example, when it comes to the BAOBABS, The Little Prince Said that any planets have good ideas and bad ideas, such as BAOBABS. When the BAOBABS were small, we could not tell if they were good or not but as they grew up, they showed their appearance. Then, that planet was finally destroyed. I can refer this story to our real world. When a person is a baby, nobody knows his future but as he learns and experiences many things around him, his life will be determined. When he becomes an adult, his good activity helps people and his bad ways make troubles to people. I want to read other books written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
Anavi Said:
I think the ending of the story was fascinating. It was really interesting how the author didn't exactly give away the ending. I thought it was fascinating because usually when I read books, the ending is usually very straightforward, but this one took your own interpretation. I think that if I read this book one more time, later in the furture, I would interpret this book differently. I htink this because the book generally makes comments about adults and children, and now I can agree to things that are mentioned about children because I experience them evryday, but when I grow up, I might forget the little significant things I thought of everyday which made me and child. Since this story had many symbols, I could connect them to my own life, which helped me understand this better. I think the author was clever to write the ending this way becuase it made it unique.
I think the end; TLP goes back to his planet because TLP asked the snake to bit him or asked to kill him to go back to his planet and take care of his flower.
The author of this book really gave the reader the sense of having the ability to complete the stroy by himself. There were so many unresolved plots in the book. I found the book interesting in that way but really felt that the author could have been a bit more clear about his death because it was an important part in the book and it really would have helped the reader in a way. I really think that the discussion we had in class about whether the book should have a sequel or not was helpful because before it was hard for me to understand the ending. The socratic seminar in class was very useful to me and it would be fun to try it with another book. The little prince, to me, is a very symbolic book meant for all ages because the author had written it in such a way that we would all have different perceptions on the plots.
On page 60 the snake was telling the little prince ‘Whomever I touch I return them to the earth from whence they came.’ I think the author is trying to say that the little prince was never a real human until he landed on earth. He wanted to go back to heaven where his rose (his love) is. The poison of the snakes killed him as his soul raised to his planet. He has had enough and waits to be with the flower who tamed him.
Jake said
I think in the ending of the TLP was very odd becasue when the TLP told th epilot that he can not take this body withhim because it is too heavy. I thought that the little prince dies but no one knows because there is no right or wrong answer. either the TLP dies or he vanishes from earth.It seems as though the little prince might have wabted to die from letting the cobra bite him and make him die.I think that there is no ending and just like other novels I read the ending is for the reader to decide the ending because there is no right or wrong answer.
I think, personally, that at the end the little prince goes back up to his own planet, because he tells the pilot how him dying, would ‘free him from THIS F-O-R-!M’, so I think he was able to make it home. I thought the ending was a great way to sum up the story. The little prince starts out sad and naïve on his planet, then when he starts traveling planet to planet, he starts to learn more and more, then all the questions he has ever asked are answered and then no longer naïve, so he can return to his planet with better knowledge on life. I was wondering if the wall that the little prince sat on to get away from the snake, is symbolic of something. I thought it was cool that even though it started out as a goofy and fairy-tale like story, in the end, when the silly character dies, it is sad. I liked the theme, because even though it was silly in some places, it had a very serious meaning to it.
The ending was rather confusing because the book doesn't say if the little prince got bit by the snake or not. Also the little prince ended up poisoned by the snake and I wonder how the little prince got back to his own planet. I think that the book was written so that people can come to their own conclusion.
The author is trying to tell us that after teh body is spiritually full, the person's job on Earth is done because the little prince wanted to go back to his own planet after drinking from the well.
I believe that the little prince dies as soon as the snake bites him, but is reborn in his own planet. On page 60 the snake says,"Whomever I touch, I return them to the earth from whence they came. But you are made of purer stuff, and you come from a star."
I think that when the snake says it returns one to the earth from whence one came, it means to kill us, or take us back tomaybe heaven. But since the little prince it form a star, if she kills him, he won't die, but go back to his star.
Therefore I believe the little prince was reborn and reunited with his flower.
Hello. I'm Miyuki from Mr. Romary's 1/2 class. Posting comment for an extra credit.
The ending of the book "The Little Prince" was a bit confusing. So I went back to read the previous chapters. And I found out that the little prince actually died at the end.
I can say that because on page 60, it says "I can transport you farther than any ship," , "'Whomever I touch,' the snake spoke again. 'I return them to the earth from whence they came.'"
By reading that, I understood that the snake had bitten the little prince and TLP got poison by that. And at the end, he died.
I conquer with Tomo, I think the little prince didn't die at the end because his spirit went back home. Although his body stays his soul went back home to see his flower and see how she is.
Overall, I think it is a fantastic book. However, the ending was a bit abrupt, but it was still finished off beautifully. I mean, after explaining all about the little prince's journey, the aviator/narrator suddenly says the little prince is leaving. Though the transition was smooth, I still say that more time was needed to talk about the little prince on Earth.
I agree with what Friend said. The idea of laughing stars is very touching. After all, who else could think of that? What the stars are to him will be different from what the stars are to everyone else. What can be more memorable than the irreplaceable stars?
I believe that after reading the book, the little prince is somehow a part of the aviator/narrator. Well, the aviator as a child, anyway. Who else could have guessed that it was an elephant inside a boa constrictor? And who else would have such a rich imagination as the aviator when he was a child? If you realize, the characteristics of the little prince is similar to that of the narrator.
The ending was a fabulous wrap and a great conclusion. The fact that he was sent back to his planet by soul says so much more than just traveling back as a body. Somehow, it illustrates that as his life ends, he is one with the stars and forever will be. As the aviator looks at the stars, he will always know that the little prince is back on his planet, and will always stay there. His soul is back where it belongs.
Just in addition to my previous comment:
On page 87, there is a sentence that is possibly the most touching sentence I have every come across. The little prince says ,"Left behind, it will only be an old cast-off shell. There is nothing sad about an old shell."
This may be a simple sentence, but when you look through it, I believe the little prince is trying to reassure the aviator. The little prince is the one to get bitten by the snake and die physically, he is trying to reassure the one WATCHING. That is probably the most touching and selfless act I have ever heard of.
I still wonder if the flower back on his planet is the only reason that makes him want to come home. On page 88, TLP says , "You know - my flower... I am responsible for her! And she is so weak! She is so naive! She has four tiny little thorns to protect her against the world." He mentions nothing else, no other reason for him to leave. I suppose it is also because he misses his planet as well. Well, at least he has learned a few things and is more wordly. Now he isn't "too young to know how to love her." - page 31.
I think the little prince dies to go back to his planet to take care of his rose because the fox says to him that once he has tamed his rose, he bocomes responsible for her forever.
Therefore, he urges the snake to bite him because on page 60, he says "I can transport you farther than any ship".
The little prince send his soul back to his planet.
I think the story was well laid out because when the little prince first came to earth, he met the snake and the little prince thought that the snake wasn’t very strong but the snake told him that one sting from him can transport him farther than any ship. The little prince immediately understood what the snake was trying to say. At the end of the story when the little prince met the snake again, the snake bit him and transported him back to wherever he came from. I think the author was very thoughtful.
Like many have said, it seems to me that the snake at the end of the story bit the little prince. I know this from when it said there was a flash of yellow around his ankle and then he fell. Also, he warned the pilot before that it would seem he is dying. The yellow was the snake. However, the key is he said he would only “seem to be dying but it is not true.” He knew what would happen (I will get to that) but wanted to ensure the pilot that he wouldn’t die even though that’s what it would look like. Therefore, even though he was bit, I don't think he died. What happened was after being bit, the little prince was sent back to his planet. He asked about the poison before to make sure it would not kill him. This was also confirmed by the quotes that Miyuki include in her comment. The fact that it said the snake could transport something back to where they came from. This restores his life. This told me that this was a special snake. It also says the prince is special in a way. Also I know the little prince would make sure something was safe before he did it.
Now getting to the part about why the little prince did this. I think he did it because he realized he was responsible for his flower and could not leave it all alone. The fox taught the little prince that if he tamed something, he was responsible for it. The little prince remembered that and continually repeated that before he was about to leave. Several times in the ending he spoke that he was responsible for what he tamed. In this respect I agree with Pammy and Kevin.
I must say I did not see this ending coming. I thought he would explore more. But in the end it came down a life lesson and that is to see with the heart. For much of this story it was about how characters were seen on the inside. Many of the key ideas in the story were not things you can touch, but instead ideas like friendship and love. I also found in the ending that before he leaves, it seemed that the little prince was trying to teach the pilot something. All that he learned up to that point and he was filling the pilot in on it. It was cool the way he talked to the pilot about the stars and it is true that when he looks up he will remember him and know he's there. You could tell he was preparing the pilot for when he left. All in all, I thought this was quite an interesting book. Like Sharad said there were many unresolved plots. The author did not prepare me for the ending, but he writes in a unique fashion and that can is still good in a way. I liked it because of the fact that the ending was so inspirational to me and touched my heart. In the beginning, it seemed boring and confusing to me. But it definitely got better as it progressed.
Good book and I thought the author's style was very different.
I thought the end of the book was mystery, and it didn't fall into because the little prince fell down on the sand, that the book said. But next day he wasn't there... I think that's kind of weird. Also I was confused and it was difficult to understand, but maybe I think the little prince returned to his planet after he died. Otherwise, I remain being confused. The interior of "The Little Prince" is deep.
Hello students! I am Mr. Kenney's niece and I've taught The Little Prince (at schools in Texas and California). Often I am left to ponder the story's ending with them and discover the many theories and possibilities that come with such an amazing story. It is up to us, the readers, to delve into the deeper meaning of the prince's overall message of hope and realize that not all stories will resolve how we like, and the acceptance of that is quite all right. On a final note, if you walk away from reading this book with a deeper sense of who you are as a child, an adult, and a person, then you have mustered to imagine the infinite realm of conclusions and quite possibly, write your own.
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