Now that you have read Chapters 24 - 27, what are your thoughts on the conclusion to the story?
First tell us what you think actually happens at the end of the story.
Then get down your reactions to the ending of the story. You can also include your ideas on symbolism, theme, writer's style, and personal connections you can make with the story's ending. Remember to include your name that we know so that we can refer to each other's comments.
Chapters 24 - 27!
First tell us what you think actually happens at the end of the story.
In the end of the novel, I believe that The Little Prince was transported back to his planet by the bite of the snake. I think that this is what happened because earlier in the novel when TLP first met the snake, the snake said that he can transport anyone who he touches to their own planet from which they came. I think that when TLP was sitting on the wall, he made a bargain with the snake that TLP would let the snake transport him back to his planet. I believe that he made a bargain with the snake because TLP says when he is on the stone wall - "And is your poison good? You are sure not to make me suffer for long?". This suggests that the snake is going to bite him. I think that TLP is bitten by the snake because on page 88 the pilot says that he saw a flash of gold by TLP's ankle, and in the drawings of the snake it depicts the snake as golden. After the pilot sees the flash of gold, TLP collapses into the sand without a cry of pain. This suggests that TLP should have cried out in pain, and this is proof that the snake bit him. Also earlier in the novel, the pilot says that the snake that TLP was talking to can kill someone in 30 seconds. TLP fell to the ground right after the flash of gold (within 30 seconds).
Then get down your reactions to the ending of the story.
I think the ending of the story was very meaningful and powerful, but it was also very confusing. Even if you were reading the book literally, the way the author writes is very sneaky. The author never says something straight out - he makes you think about the event before you can understand it. I liked the end section of the story just by its self. But I didn't like the end combined with the whole story. In the end, there was no reference to the beginning of the story, and I think that the last couple of chapters could have been a completely separate story from the beginning and middle, and it would have still made sense. The end of the story could have been interpreted in many ways and i think that this is both a good and a bad thing, depending on your perspective.
You can also include your ideas on symbolism, theme, writer's style, and personal connections you can make with the story's ending.
During this story, i tried to dig deeper into the novel and read it figuratively, though sometimes I became lazy and just read it literally. I think that the symbolism was very interesting in this novel, but also a bit too hard. During the novel there was absolutely no hints about what the objects meant.
The writers style of writing was also very interesting because he flashed back to the past many times in random parts of the novel. I did not particularly like the authors style because unless you were paying strict attention to the novel, you can become very lost.
I can only make one connection to the end of the novel. I can connect to the feeling of the pilot. I also sometimes feel helpless when trying to help a friend in need, just like the pilot did when he watched helplessly as TLP collapsed to the ground.
Overall I enjoyed this novel, but I think that we should have got more clues about the true meaning of this Parable.
I've already read TLP before, but when I first read it, I didn't understand what happened but I guessed the little prince really died. But from the second time reading it, I think the author meant the little prince only left his body on Earth, but his soul flew back to his planet.
I totally agree with Helen. I think that the prince did die but in a good way. I think that he just left his body on earth but his spirit went back to his planet. Also I thought maybe since he died, he could be united with his rose because the sheep would've eaten it and I think that the rose is the purpose why he came to Earth.
I think that what happened is that the little prince left his body on Earth so that his soul could fly back to his planet and visit his rose. He then was able to choose if he wanted to carry his body back to his planet but he didn't want to because his body was to heavy to carry that far. I thought that the endind was okay. I would have rather had the little prince take his body back so that his rose would be able to see him back the way he was when he left. But, the ending was still good in my opinion because everyone was happy in the book.
I'm torn between two ideas currently, and that's if TLP really died, or if he returned to his planet. The narrator says that TLP returned to his planet because he couldn't find TLP's body when he (narrator) returned- but once you're on Earth you die just like human beings die, isn't it? Snakes don't have the power to send people to stars or asteroids. Maybe that's where the perplexing part of fantasy comes into the story.
I find that the ending ties in to the whole story, which can be summarized somewhat with the fox's quote, "What is essential is invisible to the eye." Like when the narrator is searching for a well (p76), TLP says that the desert is beautiful because somewhere it is hiding a well. Similarly, at the end of the story, the narrator says that when he looks at the stars he can hear bells- or TLP's laughter.
I love how (like Amy says) Antoine de Saint-Exupery doesn't go straight to the point, but instead writes in an ambiguous, metaphoric way such that everyone can interpret it however they want. I also love the nostalgic, bittersweet tone of the ending.
I don't really understand the part about the sheep and the rose at the end, but I think it's something to do about our worries, and how we worry about something when we don't even know it's going to happen. And yet somehow there's also this little part of the ending that sounds like what the fox said, about there being something millions of miles away that you don't know about and is 'invisible' to you.
I read TLP earlier this year, before the school year started, and found it like a children's story with the tiniest hints of allegory here and there. Now, reading it, I find the writer's style amazing, how he can make a novel both a children's book, and a story baffling for adults to understand.
At the end the little prince gets poisoned by the snake and dies. But actually, we could just say that he safely went back to his planet, because the body was nowhere at the following daybreak. Also, the pilot had fixed his plane and returned to his country, too. Because the little prince gets to see his flower again, I think this book has a happy ending story even though the little prince died. I have read this book in Korean three years ago. But I still had a hard time finding the symbols and the deep meaning of the story. But I made a personal connection of the sentence in the end, “And no grown-up will ever understand the significance of this!” To my experience, I think adults can’t really understand us sometimes. When we were doing something that seems okay to us, adults think it is very wrong to do it. Grown-ups minds’ are too mature and too formalistic. So they can’t understand the mind of a child, sometimes.
I think that the Little Prince was bitten by the snake and went back to his planet. He was bitten by the snake and without a word was gone with his body. The Little Prince said that his body is too heavy and that there is nothing sad about leaving an old shell. However in the end the narrator couldn’t find his body. It confuses me whether the little prince took his soul to his planet or with both of his soul and body.
I agree to what Grace says about the reactions to the end of the story. I too, think that this book is trying to say that what is most essential is invisible to the eyes. The Little Prince speaks to the narrator that what is important cannot be seen. And he says that if there is a flower that you truly love then you’ll be happy when you look up at the sky.
Though I do think The Little Prince makes people think deeply and reveals what the author really wants to tell us, it is confusing. Finding the symbolism of each word and having to think deeply in order to understand the true story is just too hard and confusing. But the quote that The Little Prince leaves to us, “What is essential is invisible to the eyes”, is something to think about.
From putting the pieces of hints together, I summarized that in the ending of the story, the little prince was bitten by the snake and his soul was returned back to the star where he belonged while his body remained on Earth. I think this is what the author is trying to say because according to the story, the little prince said that “And your poison is good? You are sure not to make me suffer for long?” and the book said that the snake could rapidly kill you from your life in thirty seconds. So, this means that the snake was going to bite the little prince. After a short moment of talk with the pilot, the little prince was bitten. ”There was nothing, except a flash of yellow near his ankle.” The little prince stood still, without a cry of pain, and he fell softly to the ground.
In the last part of this book, the author used powerful words to summarize the story. “And no grown-up will ever understand the significance of this!” (page 91) I think this means that grown-ups and young kids have different perspectives toward things, like how the little prince drew the inside and outside of boa constrictor but adults perceive that the drawing is a hat. (page 6) Referring back to the ending, I felt that it was quite a jump when the little prince died and then the author flashback to different perspectives of people of different age groups.
Overall, I enjoyed reading The Little Prince because this “parable” contains lots of meaningful events, like understanding the truth and moral lesson of each event. Moreover, I found out that this book has tons of figurative language, like “what is essential is invisible to the eye” which makes me come up with many thoughts in my mind. Personally, I think that this is the fun and unique part of this author’s writing style.
At the end of the story, I think that the little prince was bit by a snake. My first reaction was that I thought that the little prince was dead. But then I realized that the Little Prince hasn't died but has just left his body on Earth, his soul has returned safely to his home. I think that the little prince left his body as a symbol of his presence and the time he has spent on Earth, with the pilot and other creatures.
The little prince's story, to me, symbolizes Equality. I think this because of the little prince's interactions with all the people or animals through this story. Maybe, since this book takes place during WW2, the author must be trying to convince people to end the war that was taking place at that time.
Although this was just my opinion and other people may have other thoughts that may be equally true to represent this story.
At the end of the little prince, I think the little prince was bit by the snake and he died. But actually, I think the little prince didn’t really die. I mean the body of the little prince was died, but his mind and his everything except for his body are alive. Or maybe he really went back to his planet, because his body was nowhere at the following daybreak. And the pilot also went back to his country at the end. I think this book has happy ending story. The little prince went back to meet his flower and the pilot learned the imagination from the little prince and safely went back to his country.
My first reaction of the story was that I thought the little prince really died, he didn’t find his love, and this book has sad ending story. When I first read this book in Korean, I didn’t know what is this book represent, but the end of the story it says “read this book when you get older.” So I read the little prince book one month ago and read the little prince book in English few days ago. So my now, I think the little prince story has happy ending. Also, I think the author trying to say that what is most essential is invisible to the eyes.
I think that at the end of the story the Little Prince went to some sort of after life. This is because earlier in the story when the snake talks to the Little Prince he tells the Little Prince that with one bite he can basically send the Little Prince to a place better than Earth, and if the author believed in an after life he could have been trying to get at that.
My reaction to the end of the story was confusion because I wasn't that surprised that the Little Prince died or whatever it was that happened to him, but I wasn't sure what had really happened to the Little Prince since they don't tell you in the book.
I was not so surprised by the ending because the writer's style was the type of writing that just seems to fit with that ending that you're not really sure about.
What actually happens at the end of the story.
I think that at the end of the story, the Little Prince dies. I think he was bitten by the snake as Amy said because as she said, earlier in the book, the snake told the Little Prince that he could transport anyone that he touches back to their planet. I think the Little Prince died on Earth but his spirit was transported back to his planet where his flower was. I think the part about the sheep eating the rose is showing that the rose died too so the Little Prince wanted to die and see his rose again.
Reactions to the end of the story.
I thought that the end of the story was quite confusing because when I first read it, I was confused about how the Little Prince died but as I read it a couple more times, I could understand it a bit more.
Ideas on symbolism and writer's style.
I don't think the author gave much clues on what the different characters or events meant figuratively so it was sometimes hard to figure out.
I think the writer's style was really interesting because he flashed back to the past often. For example, he flashed back to the past when he was talking about the Little Prince leaving the rose and traveling to all those different planets.
I agree with Amy for what happened at the end of the story, I perceive that the snake took the little prince back to where he belonged which was on his planet with the only true love that he had found, his rose. I can relate this to our lit. circle roles because I was the symbol decoder and I had perceived the snake to be like an angel because after your soul is the only part of you that is left he would take you to the place that you belonged. I think that the snake knew that biting the little prince would be the right thing to do because he had told the little prince when they first met that he pitied him so frail, having to be on Earth and that one day he would help him with getting back to where he actually belonged.
I think that the author has tried to relate the way the little prince goes to the fox's secret. The little prince leaves his body on the Earth and only takes his soul, this shows how the essential thing is invisible to the eye because the pilot was not able to see the little prince's soul even though that is what made up who and what type of person the little prince was. Just like the little prince's laughter was invisible to the pilot but was a major part of the little prince that he would remember. I think the author has spread out clues relating to how the little prince goes throughout the book.He has also put a few clues in the beginning with the boa constrictor that had just eaten the elephant. The essential thing was the reason why the boa was so fat and that was that it had eaten an elephant, this was invisible and thus incomprehensible to the adults. Perhaps the author is suggesting in the end that adults are quite ignorant to the essential facts of life. I think the author might have realized this after landing in the dessert and having had some to think why everything had happened and whether or not there was an actual good reason for the things that he had done.
After reading the novel I summarized that little prince’s soul (spirit) got sent back to his home planet (star) and his body stayed in earth because he got bit by a snake. I thought of that because little prince asks the snake if its poison is good and is it going to hurt a lot. Also, little prince falls to the ground right after he was bitten by the snake.
I really enjoyed reading this book even though I don’t really enjoy reading because this book had some strong message to it. While reading this book, I came across many meaningful passages such as; most essential is invisible to the eyes. I think this passage is very important because I think that passage is very true. For example, people usually care about little details when they are missing big information.
I think the author used very strong words toward the end of the book because he was trying to make the reader have a strong impaction on the reading. I also think that the author uses many figurative languages to make the reader think about the book. I really enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading a book like this one.
At the end of the story, I believe the little prince didn't die; he was bitten by the snake and his soul returned back to his planet while his body remained on Earth. I find the ending quite confusing but also very interesting. It depends on what you think, whether the little prince died or returned back to his home, or whatever else could have happened to him is all based on your own perspective and from that, you can interpret what the narrator is trying to explain. As Grace said, the author's writing style is very unique. He never says something straight-out, but tells the story and his messages to the readers in a metaphoric way. I like Saint-Exupery's writing style; it's sort of enigmatic in a way because it makes you wonder what really is the true meaning of his allegory.
I think 'The Little Prince' is a great story; both adults and children can read it and what is interesting is that they will have considerably different views of the story and the symbols would represent different meanings to them. I enjoyed the novel, I think it's very deep and meaningful though confusing it sometimes may be. I've never read any books similar to this one before and I find it very fascinating.
At the end of the story, I believe that the little prince decides to go back to his flower on his first anniversary on earth, and he uses the snake's help. The snake, as quoted by what it said, " Whomever I touch, I return them to the earth from whence they came, I can transport you farther than any ship" at the beginning of the book. By the snake's one bite, the prince's soul I think is transported safely while his body is left. Later, the pilot reveals that the body goes missing. My prediction is that the body was left for the snake.
When I first came upon the part where the prince falls as gently as a tree does, I felt that the prince was too quick to give up and go back. But as I got to thinking, I realized all what he learned from his friend fox, and that he probably had to go and prove his responsibility to the flower. It is quite interesting because in the beginning of the book, the prince leaves the flower and at the end of the book, he goes back to her. It is still confusing because he says that whomever he tames, he shall become responsible for that person. So since the prince tamed the pilot, wasn't it wrong for him to go back to the flower and leave the pilot? It would still be just as wrong if he left the flower and stayed with the pilot. I don't like the ending where the pilot was helpless and couldn't do anything to stop the prince, but in a good way this experience of his gave the pilot a new perspective of life.
Like the others ,I thought that at the end of the story the bite of the snake sent the little prince's soul back home, to the star, leaving his body on Earth. The little prince also said "You understand...It is too far. I cannot take this body along with me. It is too heavy."
"Left behind, it will only be an old cast-off shell. There is nothing sad about an old shell" (pg.87)
What the little prince said reassured my theories that his soul returned home leaving his body (old cast-off shell) on Earth. What the little prince said made made me think that he wanted to go back home but it won't be possible if he took his body with him.
I think that the author used meaningful sentences which gave the reader something to think about beyond the end of the story. For example at page 91. "Look up at the sky. Ask yourselves: has the sheep eaten the flower or not? And you will see how everything changes..."
This left me thinking of what happens on the star which the little prince returned to and left let me curios how you see everything change.
Overall this was a good book including weird parts to the story which seemed silly but learned a lesson from powerful and meaningful sentences. The author's style of writing was enjoyable to read although some parts were unclear, leaving us some thoughts to think about. The author's writing also kept us curious after the book is over not revealing what exactly happened.
Through the last few chapters, I am only vague able to conclude the story. From the recollection of ideas and events from the last couple of chapters, I think that the little prince got bitten by the snake and then when back to his planet in only his soul. "There was nothing, except a flash of yellow near his ankle,"this quote signifies that the snake must have bitten the little prince because the snake was earlier referred to as being yellow. As for the other part of this ending theory, it had seemed to be the most plausible: the little prince departing earth in only his soul, because he has died and his body had not been found, to visit his beloved home planet and rose.
At first, I was 'perplexed' in the understanding of the book's ending. It was only after I recalled some details and events that I first thought weren't relevant to the story that I began to decipher the ending of the story. This book is an allegory in which you have to read between the lines to know the real symbolism and meaning. The meanings and symbolical connections that this book proposes is very deep. It took me a considerable amount of time to try to interpret the significance of the book. In all, this book was a great piece of literature that was written in basic English but complexly tied into the real world.
I think the little prince was transported back to his planet in the end of the story. The snake bit the little prince. The snake’s poison separated the little prince’s soul from his body. I thought the ending was astonishing but meaningful. The part where the little prince was describing his body as a shell reminds me of the idea of death in Buddhism. Buddhists believe that after you die your body is just a useless shell and your soul is actually going to a peaceful place. I think what the author was trying to tell the readers in the end of the story is the idea that what is really important is not on the outside but the inside.
I thought that the ending of the book was quite surprising. The little prince had returned to the place where he first came to Earth and wanted to leave to go to his planet on the anniversary. He made a deal with the yellow snake, so that the snake would bite him, and his poison would send him back to his planet. Like Apurva, my first reaction after reading the ending was a sad one, as I thought that the prince had died. However, I realized that the Little Prince hadn't died, but mere left his unneeded 'shell' (body) behind. Only his soul was leaving the Earth, going back to his beloved rose and planet.
As Grace mentioned, the author ties in the ending to the rest of the book and refers back to the present that the fox had given the little prince, "What is essential is invisible to the eyes". By this, I think he means that our eyes are 'blind' and it is our heart that we should follow. For example, the little prince says that the water gladdened his heart because of the effort made by the pilot to hoist it out of the well (pg. 79). Also, the pilot remembers how his home was all the more special because a treasure was said to have been buried there (pg. 76). This means that things are given their beauty by something that can't be seen.
When read literally or read by a little child, the Little Prince may seem just a simple tale of fantasy. However, when you try to get to the true meanings hidden behind the clever and metaphoric words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, you will discover that this book has an entire different 'side' to it, which is deeply allegorical. Its symbolism and metaphors are enough to leave even adults puzzled and confused. This book may have different meanings for people of different ages. For example, I think that the baobabs on the prince's planet resemble bad habits, because they are very hard to get rid of when they 'grow'. However, many people might have differing opinions. I enjoyed reading 'The Little Prince' and challenging myself by digging deeper and figuring out the true meanings of the words.
By the end of the story, the little prince got bitten by the snake. I have read this book a long time ago in Korean, but I couldn’t find out any implications of each phrase. Then, I get to read this again and I could finally understand the meanings of the expressions. But I don’t think the little prince is dead. I believe that the little prince had left the earth but still remains deep in our heart. Again, I realized that this book is not an easy book. First time I saw this book, I thought it would take a short time to finish it because it is thin. But it took me ages to understand the purpose of this writing and deep meanings from each sentence. This remind me of a proverb; “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. I have made my personal connection with the little prince, “Adults are odd”. Sometimes I really think adults are odd and dreadful because most of them were just like the business man from the book.
The little prince must be bitten by the snake. There were no other causes that the little prince died. After the little prince died, infront of the pilot was only a shell of thel little prince's body.
After reading this book "The Little Prince", I learned a lot. Although I don't really understand many parts of the story, especially the ending, I still enjoyed reading this book. I finally get why this book has a wide range of reading level from elementary school to high school. Different ages of people will have different thoughts about this book based on what they see and understand from this book.
At the end of the story, I think the prince didn't die, and went to his planet. Because he felt responsibility towards the rose He wouldn't have died leaving it. Thus, I believe the little prince was bitten by the snake and was transported to his planet.
I think the ending was pretty sad, because the narrator won't know if the prince died, or if he was transported to his planet. But, I liked that the author didn't directly tell what happened. It makes the people think about what they read, and people have different thoughts about the ending, based on what point of view they read it.
I have read this book before, but I never really understood most of what they were really talking about. But after reading it in Humanities, I understood it very well.
The little videos made the image of the symbols and the little prince more clear in my mind. Especially number three...
Before I was VERY confused about the ending but after reading through these comments, the novel is less vague. Thank you for writing these comments! :]
I have to agree that the little prince left his body on earth and let his soul soar back to his meteor.
The ending of the book “The Little Prince” was nice. In a book usually ending is the part where the author writes the main point of the story. In the little prince the author ended the story by asking a question which added a curiosity to the readers. It made me imagine what will happen to the story if there was more. Also not like other common books “The Little Prince” made a debate topic “did the little prince actually died?”
I think that the Little Prince had been killed by he snake because when the Little Prince was on the wall he had asked the snake if his bit would sure be quick. I also think this because when he had met the snake at first when he arrived on Earth, the snake had said that he could send anybody back to where they came from.
I think that it was very surprising and confusing ending because I had not expected this would happen. I feel that you had to go back and look at earlier passages in the book to get a better understanding on how and what happened to the Little Prince. That is how I came to conclude on my opinion of what happened to the Little Prince
The little prince died and went to his planet
I think TLP bitten by the snake, but he didn't die. TLP was transferred to his planet by the snake's bite, because the pilot couldn't find TLP's remain.
Snake told TLP that he can transfer TLP, and I think he meant that the snake can kill TLP and TLP's spirit went back to his planet. Also, TLP was asking the snake about poison.
Now, after I read chapters 24-27 I think that the prince soul is going to go to another world and his soul kept going maybe to an other person’s body to start a new life. Or maybe his soul went away because the little prince have changed and it doesn’t want to be part of him any more so it flow away and see other people until the soul is going to find the right person!
I think that in the end of the story the little prince died of the snakes poison. Because on page 86 bottom, the little prince said: "I suppose it's true that they have no poison left for a second bite." He probably told the pilot that he was going to return to his home planet because he doesn’t know that the snake’s venom is harmful and that it will not bring him back, instead it will kill him.
To me, the ending of the story was very sad because I think the little prince died without knowing it.
I agree with what amy said.
The snake bit the little prince and that with its venom magically sent him back to his planet, with imagination of course. The ending of the story to me was very confusing because the story just ended with no proper ending and no information on what would happen to the little prince. My other guess is that he died which is very sad.
I think that at the end of the book the soul of the little prince returned to his planet because he says that nothing will be left behind except for an old cast off shell. He could be talking about his body because his body is just the shell or his soul. Also, the flash of light from his ankles could have been his soul leaving his body to return to his planet.
I do not like the ending of this book because I like to read books that tell me what happened at the end. It almost annoys me because I like to figure things out so it is stuck with me for a long time.
I think that in the end of the book the little prince went back to his planet to see his rose. During his first meeting with the snake, the little prince said that the snake is really small and is unable to do anything. But the snake answered that whom it touches, I will return back to one’s planet. In the end of the snake bite the little prince while he was sitting on the wall in the desert. I believe that the snake has transported the little prince back to his planet.
From my perception, the ending of this novel has a very deep meaning. I think the ending of the little prince is also very sad since the little prince has to say goodbye to his only friend. I can relate this to the summer when I was at Choate and on the last day I have to say goodbye to all my friends there. I think that both the pilot and the little prince were sad since they had to say goodbye to a good friend.
For me, I am unsure of what happens in the very end. Part of me believes that the little prince dies, but part of me thinks that he has returned to his little planet. So, for me, I would have to say that after the snake supposedly (inference) poisons the little prince, he dies and returns to his planet. On some of the pages before, it stated that the prince had said that he was going "home". By home, he probably meant his planet. However, in order to get to his planet, it seems logical that the prince had to "die" first, and return as a spirit.
I didn't really like the ending of the story because it was far too vague. I like things that are accurate. However, I have to admit that the ending of the little prince made me wonder about a lot of things, made my imagination run wild. Even though I like using my imagination, I do not like guessing. So, even though this book was quite meaningful (in a figurative sort of way), I disliked how the author left it as a cliff hanger.
I feel that there is one theme that I came to think of, Sometimes you have to sacrifice being with your friends to go back to the place where you are needed the most. This theme can symbolize the people in the army who sacrifice giving up them being with their families to help protect their own country. This connects to the setting in which the author was in when writing the book. I think that his style of writing was very confusing because i think that it was mostly written in metaphors that I couldn't comprehend. Having class discussions and looking at others comments I have to say that it was very scattered and kept flashing back to previous events in the books which was mind boggling at times.
I can only make a single connection to my life. I connected with the pilot because I feel useless and helpless when a close friend has to leave because they have no choice but deep down I would like them to stay but there is nothing at all that I can do anything.
as i see it when the snake bit the little prince in order to take him back to his planet the little prince said that he was leaving his body on earth meaning mybe he knew he was dying and was trying to comfort the pilot but he also new that his soul was going back to his planet. when i read the ending of the book i was generally confused on what had happened and i was torn into 2 ideas one was which the little prince had died or that he returned to his planet with his soul. If there was a theme to that part of the story i havent found it but reading the end made feel sortof empty inside like it was missing something or it had to be followed up by something.
After reading the very last chapter, the Little Prince has me torn between 2 ideas. One, he really did get to go back to his planet and his rose. Two, the snake tricked him and the Little Prince died from the bite. Sometimes I believe that the Little Prince got what he wanted and got to go back to his planet. Sometimes I believe that the snake tricked him out of spite or because the snake just wanted to bite someone.
In the Little Prince, I have noticed that it consisted of many metaphors and complaints about behaviours of grown ups. For example, the Little Prince and the rose were a metaphor, standing for, in a way, a complicated love. The narrator represented a non- believer, someone that people would think was a perfect grown up. In the book, the complaints about grown ups are mostly about how well they think of themselves, and how importent they think they really are.
I can't really connect to the story other than my opinions on the grown ups. I don't completely agree with the book, but there are some opinions that I think is true.
When i first read the ending, I was confused and not exactly sure what happened. But after reading it over again and a literature circle, i began to understand what happened. When i first began to understand i was shocked that TLP had died. But then i began to realize that maybe inside of actually trying to kill TLP he was trying to help him get back home by freeing TLP of his because when TLP met the snake, the snake said that he could do something for the prince to help him. Also, before TLP died in the pilot's arms he said that he was body was too heavy for him and that he was going to appear like he was dieing but really, he is not. so i think that the TLP didn't really died, he was just released from his body so that he could go home by spirit.
To me, the end of the book was very confusing. The author does not come out and tell you what exactly happens. He makes you draw your own conclusion. In my opinion I the Little Prince "dies" but his spirt goes back to his planet to visit his flower.
I agree with what Loic and Amy said.
I think the snake bit the little prince and the venom magically sent him prince back to his planet, but his soul remained on earth.
The little prince had a very perplexing ending. I personally think that the little prince did not die. I think that only his body went back to his planet to see his rose but his soul remained on earth. Also i agree with Brandon because the author does not come out and tell exactly what happen.
At the end of the story your personal thought depends on your prospective of what really happened at the end of the story. In my eyes I saw the Little Prince die, but his sole travel back to his planet to meet up with his flower. I really like the style of the ending because the writer lets you draw your own conclusion about what happened. There is no right or wrong answer; it just depends on your prospective.
The ending for me was very confusing. I am not too sure about what happened from when the prince was on the wall to when he leaves. As the rest of the ending I am unsure of how the prince left earth but I do believe that once the snake bit him his soul travelled back to his planet. I think it would have been easier for readers if the author had put in more information about that. It seemed to me that he just wanted to finish the book so he quickly wrote some events down.
The ending of the book was very confusing and hard to understand. At first, I thought that it was a weird ending because it doesn't clearly explain what happened to TLP.
But I think TLP literaly "died" because of the snake, but his spirit actually went back to his planet, since TLP believed that he would be able to go back home.
I think the little prince got bitten by the snake and teleported to his planet. Since the snake had powers to send things to somewhere else, I belive the little prince didnt die. I was very happy at the ending because I know that the little prince was sent back to where he came from.
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