Take a look at any or all of these YouTube videos that relate to our class novel. Your comments can be your reflections on the video clips and/or your reactions to what other people have published. The video clips are short, but you may want the clips to run through with the buffering that takes place the first time, and after that, you can watch them play smoothly. The title or a short description is under each video clip. The comments link appears after the 7th video ('Lil' Prinz'). Remember to include your name that we know so that we can refer to each other's comments.
1. Title - "'The Little Prince' and the Complex Semiotic Aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day Communication'"
2. A scene from the musical version of 'The Little Prince'
3. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox and stars
4. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox
5. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the snake
6. A scene from the movie, 'The James Dean Story' (James Dean was a famous Hollywood star of the 1950's - he is portrayed by another actor in this movie.)
7. A student rap-video titled, 'Lil' Prinz' - thanks to Mr. Berkhout for recommending this one!
The first little prince video gives part of the story through the use of technology. The video has all the characters that the little prince met on each planet and also had a rose on a computer. I think that the error on the computer represents the little prince's conversation with the rose before he left to explore all the planets. This video gives a different perspective on the story.
The video only shows the people that the Little Prince meets but it doesn't really relate to the book in very many ways. This is because the video doesn't really have deep insights like the book. It, in my opinion, seems like a very horrible movie. The Little Prince had a lot of meaning but the movie has almost no meaning. I like the book much more than the movie clips and I think that everybody who reads the book and sees the movie would agree with me.
The intoducion video of the TLP is sumarizing the what is going to happen in the story,and how many planets he is going to visit, and the rose in the computer symbolizes love, and the conversation that the little prince was having with the rose. The error on the computer means that the little prince left the rose and went to explore the planets.
I think that in the first video, the flower and the little Prince are the main idea because it basically summarizes why the Prince leaves. I could tell that the Prince fell in love with the flower on the computer but then an error occurred meaning that their love didn't work out or the Little Prince had to leave to find a new love, new friends.
I agree with Robbie about the first video: how TLP fell in love with the rose, and then had to leave when their love didn't work out ('Error' --> 'The End'). Maybe TLP didn't understand how he could love the rose when she bossed him around and left to find out more about the world so he could learn and experience new things.
From the snake video, I thought that the snake is very sneaky and mean trying to kill the little prince. I think the snake symbolize death or and devil because it was dressed up in a black suit in the video. He described that the little prince can return to his star by his poisonous sting, which means that it will kill the little prince and send it to his star. But it seems like the little prince doesn’t understand anything about death like an innocent, little child.
From the fox and stars video, I kept wondering the meaning of “What is essential is invisible to the eyes.” Does it mean that the truth is in your heart not the appearance? I think the fox symbolize a good friend. Also, from the end of the video the little prince goes back to his star. I guess that he was prepared to die and understood the meaning of death than the moment he first met the snake.
The sixth video about a scene from "The James Dean Story" shows a man telling a story about the little prince taming a fox. The secret that the fox reveals at the end is that what is essential is not visible to the eye. I think this statement is the main idea of the story of the little prince because the pilot also realizes later that what makes something beautiful is invisible. The fox also says that whatever you tame, you become responsible for that, and what you tame is unique and special. Just like how the other roses the prince saw was not like his rose because his rose was unique and special. Also on the first video, on the computer it shows a picture of a rose but then an error occurs. I think this means that the prince realized the importance of his rose too late because he left his planet before he could understand that he was responsible for his rose.
I think that all 3 videos from The Little Prince Movie are really strange. Especially the one with the fox and the little prince. I do have to say though, that the idea of having the snake and the fax as people was great because then it can show the interaction with the 'thing' and The Little Prince.
I think that all these videos were confusing, but when figured out, they are very symbolic and meaningful.
My favorite video was the video of the scene from the movie 'The James Dean Story' because it was really interesting to see the reaction of the man the main character was telling the story to. The man's reaction perfectly explained the importance of the quote from the fox - What is essential is not visible to the eye.
Like Nimarta, I also liked the first video because it had the rose and then the computer malfunctions. Unlike Nimarta, I think that this means that something happened (an error) with the rose, and then instead of accepting it and trying to fix the problem, he then left the planet abruptly. I think that this was the same in the book.
What I think about the video titled “the Lil Prinz” was very good because I think that it was a much better way of explaining the book and they came right out with saying what the purpose was for the Little Prince was searching for “love” meaning that he wanted to find someone to help out with his rose and he was wondering why his rose was sad. Also I liked how they mentioned not just the all the planets that he went to with the people but they mentioned the snake because the snake tries to tell the prince that he can be lonely among people too meaning that the Prince is different people which can be cruel.
The first movie shows part of the story this movie is for little kids. The second one is a part of a musical (a song) that shows the part of the story when the little prince came to earth after the crush!
The last 7th one (the one that I liked the most) was showing the entire story in a different way A SONG! The song showed from where to where be the little prince traveled from and a lot of more details like were the person like, what was the person personality and more.
The movie version of the Little Prince was the best of all. It was kind of silly when the man said that he is a fox and that the little prince believed him. I can see that the little prince is very innocent. And what I like the most about this movie is that the child in the movie resembled the picture of a little prince in the book.
The second best one was the rap version of the Little Prince. There were highschool boys telling the whole story of the little prince. The costume and a mask they wore was quite funny. Also, I liked that they used rap to summarize the entire story.
I thought the 'fox and stars' and 'the snake' videos from the movie, 'The Little Prince' were very interesting. It showed the characters as humans instead of animals and in my opinion, is an excellent way for viewers to understand the message each character reveals to the little prince.
I think the snake represents death; he talks of his poisonous sting and about how he can send the little prince home, back to his planet. I think the fox represents friendship; when the little prince decided to leave, the fox didn't want him to go and it caused him great pain, but he still encouraged the little prince to continue on his journey, 'searching for love' which is his purpose of coming to Earth, as mentioned in the 'Lil Prinz' video. The fox also tells the little prince about taming and it made the little prince understand why his rose is so important to him.
I think that in the first video, the rose in the computer represented the rose in the story and when there was an error, that was when the little prince left his planet.
I think that the video 'Lil' Prinz' was a good way to relate to the story 'The Little Prince'. Being able to see people act or sing the scenes gave a better and clearer understanding of the story. Watching the video showed exactly what the author was trying to express in the story which was how The Little Prince was searching for love and how the love between him and the rose didn't work out. It also gave a good description of the characters that the little prince met at each planet, telling what they do and what their unique and perplexing traits. Overall the rap video the 'Lil Prinz' gave a good explanation of different scenes of the book from the little prince searching for love to taming a fox. I agree with Amy how there was an error between the little prince and the rose, instead of dealing with the problem the little prince chose to leave and search for new love.
The song 'The Lil Prinz' is very creative and I think it's an interesting way to show what happened in the book. Even though it's a song, the singers did a good job at telling the listeners what are the main points the author's trying to show in the book: the little prince didn't know he loves the rose and went to look for love and new friends on Earth and different planets. But from leaving his planet and visiting the others, he learned a lot. Such as from the fox, he learned 'what is essential is invisible to the eye', which is very meaningful.
The first video show the Little Prince communicating to the rose using technology. At first the Little Prince and the rose were talking together in a friendly manner. The message that came on the screen saying ERROR is representing the rose telling the Little Prince to stay on the planet.
The third video which is about TLP and the fox is my favorite because of the quote that the fox gives as a present to TLP,"What is essential is invisible to the eyes". This could be demonstrated by how the adults behaved to the picture of a boa constrictor eating an elephant. Adults did not see the essential part but only the outer lines of the drawing. After they were told that it was a boa constrictor eating an elephant they did not accept the drawing as a real drawing. By taming and making a new friend and being responsible in what we tamed, we'll be able to see things not in the way it appears but the essential part.
According to the first video, I think the relationship between the little prince and his flower is the starting of the story that leads to other events to happen, similar to what Robbie said. The little prince loves the flower, in which he thinks it is the most important thing to his life. However, an “error” occurred between him and the flower on his planet. Therefore, this occurrence made the little prince go in search for new things in order to widen his visions.
The first little prince video is showing the story through technology. The video practically is showing us the whole story from the people that the little prince meets on each planet to the rose on the computer. I think the scene with the rose on the computer is showing what the little prince and the rose's conversation was like before the little prince left the planet. I think the error on the computer was the rose getting mad because the little prince had to leave his planet because the little prince wanted to experience new things.
From the fox and the star video, it was very interesting from at the beginning. The little prince flew away and then he arrived at the earth. Then he met a fox and they became friend by tamed. Then the little prince had to go to found his love, so they had to drift apart. And the fox gave the present to the little prince. When I saw this video I kept thinking about the meaning of “what is essential is invisible to the eyes,” as I read the little prince book at home. Also, I kept thinking about why does the fox wanted to be tamed by the little prince and what does it mean when the fox said “words are the source of misunderstanding.” And I think the fox wanted to be tamed by the little prince because he was lonely, “words are the source of misunderstanding” means the words are not complete, so sometimes, we can’t tell to the people what exactly we want to say, and the meaning of “what is essential is invisible to the eyes” is children who have imagination can only see the truth.
I think the fox represent the good friend, adviser like teacher or the parents. And at the end of the video that the little prince died and the pilot heard the laughing sounds of the little prince when he saw the stars, I think that represent the pilot had imagination through to meet the little prince and heard about his story.
I think that the snake in the video of The Little Prince and the snake symbolizes death or the devil. I think this because while the snake was singing it sounded like he mentioned something about God, and in the Bible, a snake tries to make Adam and Eve do the wrong thing. So I think that the person who made the video was trying to get across the idea that the snake was trying to lead The Little Prince down a path for his own ends.
When Dajung said that the snake symbolizes death and devil, I thought it was true. They have strange (?) clothes on since the snake's body was covered in a blakish color. But because the little prince is not old enough, he didn't know what the snake was trying to do; to kill the little prince. Later in the chapters, he starts understanding about deaths which is in the fox video.
I liked the second video, the musical version of 'The Little Prince'. Most of the other ones were acted out by the little prince, but I liked how the little price expressed his feelings by singing.
I think the first video and the seventh video are the best out of 7 videos. The reason I think the first video is good is that it represents the love. TLP tried to fall in love with the rose, but the error message came up, which seems to mean that there was a problem during falling in love. The seventh video, about rap, clearly tells about all the seven planets. But not only telling about the palnets, it also told about the relationship of the fox and the snake.
I thought the first video was quite confusing at first because I didn’t understand the “error” part of the video. After I watched it for the second time, I noticed the subliminal message in the video. I think the error message appearing after the flower symbol represents the contradiction between the flower and the Little Prince’s conversation, that although the flower loved the Little Prince, she didn’t know how to show her love to the Little Prince and the Little Prince was too young to be able to understand. I think, this video and this part of the story are trying to tell the readers the importance of communication and understanding.
Like Annabel, I think the video title "the Lil' Prince" was very good and very well present. I thought that it was a clever idea, narrating the story through a humorous song. This made it very interesting and more appealing to people who might not have enjoyed reading the book. The story was well summarized with cleverly written lyrics that were to the point. The characters the little prince met were portrayed quite well, their traits being clear. They kept emphasizing the 'searchin' for love' part. I think this is the main reason the prince left his planet, and after he was convinced by the roses that his rose wasn't special, he needed someone to comfort him. This 'person' came in the shape of the fox who he tamed. After his encounter with the fox in his 'search for love', the little prince realized that his rose was special to him after all because he had cared about it and looked after it. The rose depended on him. At first, this rap might seem an ordinary song that is humorous, but after watching it again, I have discovered that it can even give you a good idea of allegorical part of the book.
I thought that the first video was confusing. However, after watching it a few times I think that the error symbolizes the inability of the prince and the rose to know how to love each other. This is a barrier in their 'relationship', so the prince leaves his planet.
The 1st video is a simple video about the little prince and the rose. The little prince was in love with the rose, then the computer showed an error, which ends the whole video.
The 4th video was about the little prince and the fox. This was my favorite video because the secret that the fox told him by a letter. The whole video was when the little prince was telling what happened when he met the fox, to the pilot.
The first video shows the prince on his planet and a computer flys by, showing a picture of a rose. Then the computer has an error and the clip ends. I think this symbolizes the rose's and the prince's relationship in a way because the little prince loved the rose and the rose loved him back, even though she didn't really how it. Then when the computer has an error, it shows in a way the end of the relationship between them when the little prince leaves the planet. Also, the rose 'glowed' in the clip near the end. I think the makers of this clip were trying to show th eimportance fo the rose to audiences that were watching th clip.
After I watched the students’ rap, the Lil’ Prinz, I actually thought it was smart of them to change the whole story into rap making it funny and simple so the people who watched the video have a better understanding of the storyline. I have same thought as Parijat that this video summarized the story really well and stressing searching for love part.
I think the third video from the article of a scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox and stars is the most beautiful and most meaningful of all other video clips shown in this blog. Human beings are stereotyped in the movie, to the animals such as foxes that some of us hunt, we are harmful creatures that carry guns and chase foxes around. The character of the Little Prince was portrayed very well, the little boy had brought out the true purity of the little prince himself. The dialogue between the fox and the little prince taught the little prince, and had taught us about the responsibility that we would have for what we have tamed, what is essential is invisible to the eye but it’s a secret, so keep it safe. Even though the ending of the clip gave away the ending of the book, but I have a feeling that it will be a good one, good enough to make me cry again.
The 4th video was my favorit video, because it was my favorit part in the book too. The fox tells the little prince, that the important thing is invisible to the eyes, and we can see them only by the heart. I also liked how the fox acted in the 3rd video.
I think that the video about the Little Prince and the Rose on the computer showed a strong relationship between the Rose and The Little Prince that all of a sudden came to a halt. I think the Prince and the flower had feelings for each other and made each other happy but they couldn't find a way to appreciate each other which caused the Little Prince to leave and encounter other planets.
I think the last video, 'The Lil' Prinz' cut to the main point of each character and main things highlighted in the book. For example the part with the prince's rose. The narrators didn't talk about what happened between the prince and the rose, instead they talked about the feelings that the prince and rose had. When i had first watched it I thought it was just a group of high school kids making a funny video but when I watched it for the second time I realized that in the midst of all the rapping and the funny rhyming, the actors had managed to get to the deeper part of the book and they were just portraying it in a way that they liked.
At first, the first video was confusing to me and how it relates to the book. But after watching it a second time and looking at other peoples commits, it is easy to interpret it. The computer is the rose and the error message symbolizes when the little prince leaves the rose. The video also seems to symbolize what the Little Prince would be like in modern time, given computers are like our one possession that is completely unique to us.
I really liked the video called, "Lil Prinz" because it told us about the TLP in a funny way. For example, they make little princes visit very fun by putting cool sound affects and raps. I also liked the first video because the computer and the little prince simbolizes the relationship between Little Prince and the rose. So, when there was an error sign on the comuter, it represents the time when their relationship was over and Little Prince was leaving to find love.
I thought that all these videos were nicely made. It was a little hard for me to understand what the characters said in some of the videos but eventually I got over it. I thought that the best video of all was "The Lil Prinz" because it was telling the story in a funny way. I enjoyed all these videos but at the end if I had to choose one it would be "The Lil Prinz".
I agree with Tess about the 'fox and stars' and the 'snake' movie because it is much easier for people to understand TLP if humans represent the characters in the movie because it will be more realistic. The snake represents death because it always talks about his sting and how he can send TLP back home but what I think is that the snake only wants to bite TLP for the joy and the blood. The fox represents life-long friendship because he was always talking about playing and bonding with TLP and when TLP left he was very sad but still encouraged him.
Sometimes, when I view the rap version of the little prince, I think of it as being an abstract or preview of the book in a childish and practical sort of way. However, the little prince rap was not accurate in terms of symbolism and theme. The high schoolers (I think) forgot to address another aspect of the little prince, so it pushed the real message that the author wanted people to get at out of the way. But still, I have to admit that the rap was very creative.
when i saw the videos it didnt give me the kind of feeling i got from the book in fact i was bored watching the videos while i was entertained while i read the book. i belive the book showed much more then the videos did because the story said much more.
The musical version of 'The Little Prince' was very fascinating. I liked the actor that played the adult because in his face I could find choler which not just making the little prince scared it also made me scared. The rhythm and the lyrics were very well combined at the same time the story was visionary which added emotions to the story.
Firstly, I was very confused with the fox and the snake video. Once in a while, a fox/snake showed up in the video, and suddenly they would show a person. I didn't understand what it was, if it was two characters, a person and a fox/snake, or if there was some kind of error in it. I realized later that they were the same character. I don't think they should have done it this way, because it will confuse people from distinguishing the characters. They should just have one fox/snake or a person.
Another video I saw was the "Lil' Prinz". I think that they only considered about being funny. The themes and the symbolic characters were more important and deep than how the high school students showed in the video. However, I liked the fact that they were acting out and rapping about TLP. It was very creative.
I think the first video is a summary of what happened to the little prince and to the rose. The little prince was talking to the rose in the computer, then the he had to leave his rose to go explore his planets, so i guess the error in the computer meant that the TLP left his rose, and that was the end of the conversation.
I find that most of the videos presented were quite perplexing. I find some of them very confusing while others are just plainly incomprehensible in some parts. However, I agree with Parijat that the Lil' Prinz was actually good and well-presented. I was the one and only video that helped my into understanding the plot more deeply. They emphasized on the part of the rose and "searching for love." It helped my understand the main meaning of the story. Despite this, while watching Lil' Prinz, I had a feeling that the song was not very deep at all. True that it helped me to understand the story line, but it did not help at all in identifying the symbolism and the 'alleged' messages. In all, I find that the videos are quite confusing, but for a selected few that can really help my understanding of the story; literally and figuratively.
The videos helped me understand what was happening in the book. When I read the book I did not realize that snake wanted to bite the prince. The other video I watched whiched helped me understand the story was the Lil' Prince video. I did not know that the prince had left in search of love when I first read the book. However once I saw the clip I understood the book much more.
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