This blog is designed to share the learning that is taking place in our eighth grade classrooms at International School Bangkok. Please check this site periodically to see our updated topics and share your comments with us!
Following our recent studies about Apartheid in South Africa, we now look into the issues of bullying at school and in cyberspace. Share your ideas that relate to the movie 'Odd Girl Out' and/or the CNN report of 2005 about cyber-bullying. The first video clip below has three scenes from 'Odd Girl Out,' followed by the CNN report.
As we read 'Waiting for the Rain,' we can share thoughts about this award-winning 'Best Book for Young Adults' here at the blog as well as in our literature circles and class discussions. Publish your comments, including your first name. You can also publish ideas and information you have about South Africa, which might add even more to our understanding of the novel.
Below are some video clips that relate to our study of South Africa. You may need to let the videos 'buffer' through the first time, and then they should run smoothly.
1. From the 1992 documentary, '7-Up South Africa' - here, highlighting two 7-year-old boys, one an Afrikaner and the other a Zulu. Check the connections to the novel, 'Waiting for the Rain.'
2. A scene from the movie, 'The Power of One' - P.K. goes off to an Afrikaner school and listens to a preacher's sermon.
3. Here are scenes from the movie, 'Sarafina!'- tension at the school; Sarafina visits her mother
4. The movie 'Bopha!' has a scene which shows the conflict students had with the language of instruction in the classroom.
5. After becoming a big star in the late 1950's, Miriam Makeba was banned from her home country for 27 years because of her views about apartheid. Here's her 'Click Song,' in which she explains to an audience in the Netherlands a feature of the Xhosa language, one of 10 or so black South African languages. (Miriam Makeba played the part of Sarafina's mother!)
6. Another South African musician who got banned is trumpeter Hugh Masekela, here in concert, performing his song, 'Stimela,' about the train that took black men to work long, hard hours in the mines of South Africa.
7. Remember the movie 'The Color of Friendship' and references to Steve Biko, the black South African activist who was killed in his police prison cell in 1977? The movie 'Cry Freedom' is about the friendship between Biko and newspaper editor Donald Woods. This scene has Biko, played by Hollywood actor Denzel Washington, in court, answering questions about government terrorism and black consciousness.
8. Peter Gabriel, a rock singer from England, performed this song at a 1980 concert in honor of Steve Biko. (According to Rolling Stone Magazine, Peter Gabriel's 1983 music video, 'Sledgehammer,' is still considered one of the top 5 music videos of all time.)
9. Here's Steve Biko himself in 1977, commenting on the situation in South Africa.
10. Johnny Clegg, sometimes called the 'White Zulu,' formed South Africa's first racially mixed music group. He performs his song 'Scatterlings of Africa' in 1987 on French television.
11. 'Gimme Hope, Jo'anna by Eddy Grant is an early music video from 1988 featuring a reggae rhythm. The song was a big dance hit in Europe and North America but was banned in South Africa. What do you think 'Jo'anna' refers to?
12. Here's the movie trailer for the documentary, 'Amandla!' - a look at how music played a major role in the fight against apartheid.
We'll be looking at what is called the 'hero's journey' as seen in literature, movies, historical events (e.g. South Africa), and even teenage life.
For this post, please do the following:
First, think about your definition of what a hero is - who some of the heroes are that you have encountered, real and/or imaginary, from the past and/or present.
Next, watch the videos below that refer to the 'hero's journey.'
Then, submit your comments - your thoughts about what being a hero means AND what you now understand about 'the hero's journey.'
The person most often associated with discussions about what we call 'the hero's journey' is anthropologist Joseph Campbell. He studied myths and legends across cultures and noted several common patterns. Campbell's thoughts about the hero's journey had a strong influence on the telling of stories in popular culture, including movies such as 'Star Wars,' 'The Matrix' and even 'Shrek.' The narrator in this video is an author who explains Joseph Campbell's ideas about the hero's journey, using 'The Matrix' as an example.
High school students made this version of the hero's journey based on the movie, 'The Matrix.'
A high school animation tells a story, using details from the hero's journey.
This high school video also looks at 5 movies and elements of the hero's journey in each.
Here's a look at the movie 'Mulan' - explained by a student in connection with the hero's journey from a girl's perspective.
"Africa is a strong, beautiful country and has potential to be so much."
As you see from the words above by Angelina Jolie, actress and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador, many people have misconceptions about Africa.
Although our Humanities 8 focus will be on the country of South Africa, for this post, you can include your thoughts about Africa in general. Here are some ideas that you can submit:
1. What do you know for sure about Africa? Have you been there?
2. What perceptions do you have about Africa?
3. What would you like to find out more about Africa?
You can also mention any books, movies, people, places and events that connect with Africa.
Below are some videos that give a variety of perspectives about Africa: (You may want the video clips to run through with the buffering that takes place the first time, and after that, you can watch them play smoothly.)
1. Lonely Planet TV begins a journey into Africa with a bungee jump over the Zambezi River in southeastern Africa, followed by whitewater rafting on the Zambezi.
2. Akon sings about his home country of Senegal in West Africa.
3. For Westerners, a place called Timbuktu is associated with being at 'the end of the earth.' However, this video tells us of the proud history of Timbuktu, a city located in the West Africa country of Mali.
4. A slideshow of African masks.
5. A look at a traditional dance of Angola called capoera, now a sport in the Olympics!
6. The British rock singer, Peter Gabriel, teamed up with the famous Senegalese singer, Youssou N'Dour in a 1990 song called, 'Shaking the Tree.'
7. Wangari Maathai, known as the 'tree lady' and winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, talks about the environmental and political challenges she has had in Kenya, a country in East Africa.
8. A mini-documentary in which the commentator says, 'In Africa, soccer is religion' and how football is being used to help fight against HIV/AIDS in the southern African country of Zambia.
9. A sport you could try in the southwest country of Namibia - sandboarding on the dunes of the Namib Desert!
10. A student presentation of the Barbara Kingsolver novel, 'The Poisonwood Bible' - about an American missionary family's attempts to change the people of the central African country of the Congo.
11. Here's a 2005 BBC report about a child soldier in the east African country of Somalia. Unfortunately, it is a true story. (You might want to read more about child soldiers in Africa, including the award-winning novel 'AK' by Peter Dickinson.)
11. Flying over the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, in a scene from the Academy Award winning movie of 1985, 'Out of Africa.'
12. Here are slideshows of two classes making gypsona masks, connecting to our unit on Africa and personal identity.
So many thoughts can relate to our Humanities blog, so post any ideas and questions you have or theories and philosophies you come across, including contradictions, explanations, ironic moments, insights, and in general, anything that might help us to navigate our way on the journey through Grade 8 - and maybe life itself! Some sample random thoughts from last year are in the comments window. (It's highly recommended that you type your comments in a Word document, and then copy and paste into the blog comments window.)
Now that you have read Chapters 24 - 27, what are your thoughts on the conclusion to the story?
First tell us what you think actually happens at the end of the story. Then get down your reactions to the ending of the story. You can also include your ideas on symbolism, theme, writer's style, and personal connections you can make with the story's ending. Remember to include your name that we know so that we can refer to each other's comments.
Take a look at any or all of these YouTube videos that relate to our class novel. Your comments can be your reflections on the video clips and/or your reactions to what other people have published. The video clips are short, but you may want the clips to run through with the buffering that takes place the first time, and after that, you can watch them play smoothly. The title or a short description is under each video clip. The comments link appears after the 7th video ('Lil' Prinz'). Remember to include your name that we know so that we can refer to each other's comments.
1. Title - "'The Little Prince' and the Complex Semiotic Aspects of Non-Verbal Modern Day Communication'"
2. A scene from the musical version of 'The Little Prince'
3. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox and stars
4. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the fox
5. A scene from the movie, 'The Little Prince' - the snake
6. A scene from the movie, 'The James Dean Story' (James Dean was a famous Hollywood star of the 1950's - he is portrayed by another actor in this movie.)
7. A student rap-video titled, 'Lil' Prinz' - thanks to Mr. Berkhout for recommending this one!
Consumerism = the belief that the buying and selling of products is beneficial to an economy; a sign of economic strength. That's one definition of consumerism. How does consumerism relate to you? What are some of the products you have bought recently - clothing, tech. devices, cosmetics, etc.? Are there any products you strongly recommend others to buy or not buy? You can also post your ideas about consumerism in general; for example: favorite places to shop in Bangkok, online shopping, getting caught up in materialism, advertising techniques, and ideas for 'ethical consumerism.' Remember to use your first name, that we know, so we can refer to each other's ideas.
Here are some videos related to consumerism that you can also refer to. (You may need to let buffering finish, and then the video will play smoothly):
1. Music Video - 'Money' by Pink Floyd
2. 'Consumerism! The Musical'
3. Video Podcast on Consumerism
4. Two students and their commentaries about materialism at ISB
26. A Barista's Coffee Shop Dream - by high school students, entered in a film contest
27. The Gospel According to Larry - a visual and musical reflection of the main character's message (created by a h.s. student in the U.S.)
28. Iqbal Masih - Child labor activist and inspiration to young people; a mini-documentary on his life, and a scene from a movie about Iqbal
29. A student's commentary about the story and life of Iqbal
30. Sponge Bob in China - Labor Issues Connected to Consumerism
31. Two students comment on the Sponge Bob in China video
32. Two more students try to figure out the message in Sponge Bob in China video.
33. George Carlin, Comedian - A Rant about American Consumerism
34. Two students give their opinions on George Carlin's rant
35. 'Poddicts' - a story of 'addiction' to iPods; another entry in a film contest
36. The Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan Reacts to the Material World - 'Gross National Happiness' - 2007
37. A Scene from the Musical - 'Cabaret' ('Money')
Now that you have read the short story, 'The Dream,' share your ideas in the form of questions and what you are wondering about in regards to the story. You can refer to other people's ideas, but let's not answer questions here at the blog! We'll use our Socratic Seminar to explore questions and speculations.
Here are some points you can touch on (maybe you can think of others!):
* questions about some aspect of the story's plot
* questions about vocabulary and/or use of figurative language and symbolism
* questions you would ask the author
And here are some sentence starters you might want to use:
* I'd like to know... * I'm not sure, but... * I'm wondering why... * What puzzles me is... * I'm confused about... * I'd like to ask the author...
Share ideas you have about the movie that help us begin our unit on Consumer Economics + Identity.
Here are some points that you can make about the movie:
* What scene(s) in the movie helped you get an idea of economic situations? Give us the details you took note of and your thoughts about these details. * Do you agree that Ali's family is 'poor'? Please explain. * How might the title of the movie relate to some economic idea about the lives of Ali and Zahra? * What connections can you make between the economic situations in the movie and those that you have experienced?
The Games Have Begun! Share your ideas on one or more of the following topics:
* Do you plan on keeping up on what's happening during the Olympics? Why or why not?
* What sports are you most interested in? Why?
* What sporting events does your home country hope to do well at?
* Do you think nationalism has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics? Why?
* How much do you think commercialism (e.g. advertising) plays a part in the Olympics?
* What other controversial issues do you know that relate to the Beljing Olympics?
For example, why were there protests during the pre-Olympic torch relay?
(e.g, Check one of the mascots above.)
* Do you think technology has a positive or negative effect on the Olympics?
(e.g., Check the full body swimming suit shown above.)
* Do you think countries that do not allow women on their Olympic teams
should be banned from the games? Why or why not?
You might like to watch some of the following Olympic-related video clips and comment on them, too!
#1 The Olympic Vision & Spirit
#2 Avril Lavigne on the Olympics
#3 Sportsmanship
#4 Coming in Second and Third Place
#5 Opening Ceremony Highlights
#6 Natalie du Toit - South Africa's Olympic Swimmer with Incredible Dreams and Goals!
Choose a posted topic on the left. Click on the comments link. The comment window opens. Read what other people are thinking. Click the button next to 'Name/URL' and type in your name (URL not needed). Type in your comments, checking for spelling, grammar and other conventions. (It's highly recommended that you type your comments in a Word document, and then copy and paste into the blog comments window.) Then click 'Publish Your Comment.' We hope this blog adds another dimension to your journey this year!